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islamic articles
How to pray Istikharah...
How to pray Istikharah step-by step
Praises Which the Angels Race to Take Up
And dutiful to your parents
Woman Before and After Islam
Freedom in islam
The Importance of the Qur’an
Remembering death
Sujud shukr
Sujud Sahwi (the prostration of forgetfulness)
The Importance of the Mosque to Muslims
Wider Role of the Mosque: The Mosque as a Community Centre
Backbiting and gossip and its impact on the individual and society
Opportunities that cannot be compensated
Lying in islam
The hell-fire and its people
Excellence of spreading the Islamic greeting
The merciful in islam
the day of Ashura
Descriptions of the hellfire and the conditions of its people
The Prayer of the Traveler
More intenser heat
Prohibition of cursing in islam
Prohibition of singing in islam
The commandments of Luqman the wise to his son
Fasting in Islam
program for the Muslim during Ramadan
The Importance of the Intention and Its Value in Islam
The phenomenon of grief and depression
Advising in islam
Elements of a happy married life
Virtues of the Quran
The first night in the grave
Fasting ‘Ashoora’ for one who still owes days from Ramadan
Satan's machinations and prevention
The eclipse prayer
Siyâm (Fasting) of the Heart and Limbs
The virtues and benefits of Siyâm (Fasting)
The love of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Excessiveness and Extravagence
Reforming the Heart
Reflecting upon the Quran
Not Recounting Favors
Wealth Advice
Racing to Prayer
The Blessing of the Rain
Takbeer of Celeberation Eid
Muslim's Ultimate Goal In life
The Concept and Legitimacy of Siyâm (Fasting) and the Penalty for Abandoning it
Be good to Your Mother
The Truth in Islam
Jews and their betrayals
Gate of al-Rayyaan
The hijra of prophet muhammad
Islam started as a stranger
Treat terrorism
the importance of testimony
The virtues of martyrdom
The importance of good deeds in the first Ten Days of the Month of Dhul Hijja
How do we prepare for Ramadan
What after Ramadan?!
The story of Prophet Ibraaheem ( Al Hajj)
The day of ‘Arafah
Lessons from the day of Arafa
the obedience in islam
Preparation to face death
Belief in fate and destiny
Warning from the hellfire
Patience during hardships
Imitating the disbelievers
The truthfulness
What does Islam say about Zina?
Welcoming the month of Ramadan
Remembrance of Death
Harmful effects of alcohol and warning against it
Celebration of New Year's Day
The message of islam
The celebration of the birthday of the Prophet (SAW)
Forgiveness is virtues and secrets
Dutifulness to parents
The martyrdom in islam
Persistence until death
The Muslim during times of trials
Friday Prayer
The Animal sacrifice in islam
The Ability of Allah
The Virtues of Rajab
Month of Muharram
The Sound Heart
Zakaat Al-Fitr and its rulings
The virtues of Laylat Al-Qadr (Night of Revelation)
Reflecting upon the Rain
The Drinks of Hell
The virtue of the month of Shaban
khutbah about earthquake
Islamic tips
The Importance of the Quraan
The Passing of the Prophet (SAW)
love of allah
Thinking Well of Allah
How to be among the people of heaven?
Sweetness of Iman
Weighty Deeds
Satisfaction with Afflictions
Warning through Surah Qaf
The merciful in islam
Warding off Anxiety
Three who Spoke in Infancy
Shirk – The Greatest Injustice
The Most Hopeful Verse
Good Character In Islam
Do not Ridicule Others
The Athan
Supplications of Prayer
Islam And Social Media
Friday Reminders
Reflecting on Earthquakes
The Reality of this Worldly Life
Supplications for the Heart
The Most Important Necessity
The Enmity of Satan
Be Conscious of Allāh Wherever You Are
Fearing Allāh Unseen
Benefit the muslim from summer vacation
Hope in Allah
The Light of Allah
Knowing Allah through His Names and Attributes
Sufficient for us is Allah
Islamic new year
Seeing Allah Almighty
Reliance on Allah
Fear of Allah
The Levels of Paradise
Barakah is from Allah
What do you Think of the Lord of the Worlds?
Quran and the Heart
Peace of Mind
Arranging the Rows in salah
Prayer and the knowledge of God
The Criterion- Surah al Furqan
Reflections on Surah Al Kahf
What is true happiness?
Verse of al-Kursi
Reflections on Surah Sajdah
Beginning of the Revelation
The Guidance of the Quran
The Virtues of the Day of Arafat
Embracing the Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah
Attaining the Love of Allah
Reflections on Dhul Hijjah
The Sacred Months
Virtue of the Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah
The Virtue of Shabaan
Continuity after Ramadan
Virtue of Muharram and Ashura
Striving during Virtuous Timesheet
Types of People after Ramadan
Virtue of Quenching Thirst
After Ramadan
The School of Ramadan
Nights of Hope - Laylatul Qadr
Striving Against the Self in Ramadan
Receiving Ramadan
Lessons from Ramadan
Virtues of Laylatul Qadr
Virtue of the Night of Decree
Striving in Ramadan
Rejoicing in Ramadan
With Faith and Anticipation (Ramadan)
The Last of Ramadan
Eid Al Adha Khutbah – Adhering to Religion
I Am a Muslim
What is JIHAD?
Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Jesus Christ - Son of God?
Is Jesus, peace be upon him, a god?
Shiites, Shiism, and Islam
How to Convert to Islam
Where is the “Christ” in “Christianity?”
The Benefits of Converting to Islam
A Brief History of Islam
Why Did God Create?
Why Did God Create Mankind?
The Purpose of Creation
The Names of God
The Concept of God in Islam
Muhammad’s Claim to Prophethood
Prophet Muhammad: A Role Model for a New Millennium
Salvation in Islam
Who is Prophet Muhammad?
Prophets of the Quran
Grace, Faith and Works
Surah Al-Fatiha -audio-meaning- translation
The Importance of Prayer
Jesus in islam
Worship in Islam
Friday – The Best Day of the Week
The Miracles of Jesus
The Original Sin
Judaism and Islam
How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim
Who Made Us?
The Truth is One
What is the Sunnah?
The Beauties of Islam
Where is God?
Islam, a Profound Civilization
A Brief Introduction to Islam
3 Reasons for God
Belief in God
The Basis of Islam
Atheists are Polytheists
Call to Islam
We Believe In JESUS
The Religion of Islam
The Prophet Muhammad: a mercy for all creation
The truth about Prophet Muhammad
The Prophecies of Muhammad
The Inclusiveness of Islam
The World of the Jinn
One Third of the Quran & Summarizing the Concept of God in Islam
What is Islam?
10 Points of Enlightenment on What Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) Gave to Humanity
What is Islam??
The History of 'Ashurah
The Trinity Is Not A Biblical Belief
Islam and Terrorism
The Crucifixion
Myths about Converting to Islam in Islam
Fundamentals of the Sunnah
The History of Christmas
Slavery in islam
Speaking about Allah without Knowledge
Maximizing the Intention
Glorification of Allah
Aqeedah, Its Meaning and Importance
The Shahaadah and Its Importance
The Forgiveness of Muhammad Shown to Non-Muslims
Human Rights and Justice in Islam
Who is Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)?
The Common Origin of Humanity
The Relationship between Islam and “Peace
Happiness in Islam
Secularism and Moral Values
Atheism: Denying the Undeniable
Effects of the Five Heart Corrupters
The Search for Inner Peace
Fasting and Zakaah
Is the Quran Authentic?
Let There Be No Compulsion in Religion
Seven Common Questions about Islam
Accepting Islam
Sorcery in Islam
Thirty Facts about Islam
Twenty Facts about Allah (God) in Islam
Answers to 7 common Questions about Islam
prophet Jesus peace be upon him
How Does Islam Differ from other Faiths?
Explanation of the First Verse in Soorah al-Hujuraat
Quran Challenge for Humanity
Whoever Resembles a People is One of Them
The Story of Abraham, Ishmael, aacson Jacob [ peace be upon them ]
The Fast
Kindness to Parents
Adherence to Islam
The Spirit of Worship in Islam
Life after Death
Dua (Supplication)
12 Stops with Those Celebrating the Prophet’s Birthday
The Old Testament
The New Testament
Seven Reasons to Read the Glorious Quran
The Islamic Stance On Terrorism
Misconceptions about Allah
Who Invented the Trinity?
Advice to the Students of Knowledge
Voluntary Deeds
The Cohesive Nature of the Family
The Population of Muslims
Asking Forgiveness
A Brief Guide to Ramadan and Fasting
Eid al Fitr Khutbah
First Khutbah in Ramadan
The Challenge of the Quran
Bidding Ramadan Farewell
Ramadan and the Quran
Preparing for the Blessed Month of Ramadan
Ten Recommendations for Prevention and Protection
The Benefits of Trials and Tribulations
Female Circumcision in Islam
Elevation of Women’s Status
The Veil Unveiled: The True Status of Women in Islam
The Talmud and Its Authors
Prayer in Islam
Guidance of the Prophet (SAW) during the month of Fasting
Obligatory Charity: Purifying Wealth
Manners and etiquettes of fasting
30 Tips to Prepare for Ramadan in Sha`ban
Finishing Ramadan Strongly
An Andalusian Ramadan advices
Welcoming Ramadan with Repentance
Ramadan and Pardoning
All about Zakat Al-Fitr
The Prophet in ramadan
Intimate Issues
Health in Islam
Alcohol In Islam
Human Rights in Islam
Modernism in Islam
Women’s Liberation through Islam
The Last Ten Nights Of Ramadan
Polygamy in Judaism and Christianity
The Beauty and Eloquence of the Quran
The Historical Fallacy of Atonement
The Story of the Quran
Can Taking a Life Be Justified?
Principles of Self Development in Islam
Late Night Prayer
Why Do I Wear Hijab?
Moral System of Islam
The Wisdom behind the Postures and Phrases of Prayer
How I Came to Love the Veil
Does Islam Oppress Women?
Why Muslim Women Wear the Veil
What Islam Says About Children
The Rights of Non-Muslims in Islam
The Virtue of Truthfulness
Polygamy in Islam
Visiting the Sick in islam
Personal Hygiene In Islam
The Economic System of Islam
The Judicial System in Islam
A Messenger to Entire Humanity
Abu Bakr, the Truthful (R.A.)
Omar, The Criterion (R.A.)
Uthman Ibn Affan (R.A.)
Ali, son of Abu Talib (R.A.)
Bilal Ibn Rabah (R.A.)
The Prophet and Polygamy
Islam and Altruism
Dealing with Grief in Islam
Generosity in Islam
Honesty in Islam
Etiquette of Eating in islam
Seeking Good Companions
The Basics of the Political System in Islam
A Short Biography of the- Mothers of the Faithful-
The Marriages of Prophet Muhammad
The First Migration
Actions and Intentions
Islam and Cheating & Islam and Deception
Was Islam Spread by the Sword?
Crime and Punishment in Islam
Why Pork is Forbidden in Islam ?
Environmental Protection in Islam
A Description of Hellfire
The Story of Passover in the Quran
Conversations in Paradise and Hell
The Ideal Personality of a Muslim
Ramadan and Fasting
The Authority of the Talmud in Judaism
A History of the Hajj
The Story of Adam
What is Eid ul Adha?
Hajj - The Journey of a Lifetime
My Mercy Prevails Over My Wrath
Funeral Rites in Islam
Are we Alone?
The Story of Mary in Brief
The Islamic understanding of homosexuality
Islamic Inheritance and Wills
How Islam Deals With Sadness and Worry
The Story of Prophet Job
Who are the Strangers?
The United Colors of Islam
The Pleasures of Paradise
The Forgiveness of Sins
Can We See God?
Who is the Creator?
Keys to Happiness
What Does Islam Say about Terrorism?
Three Common Mistakes made after Prayer
The Fitrah in Islam
Some of the Scientific Miracles in Brief
The New Things That Invalidate the Fas
The Virtues of Fasting in the Summer
Benefitting the Dead
Islam and me
Celebrating Valentine’s Day
The Prohibition of Pork: A Scientific Proof
The Virtues of Allah’s Sacred Month of Muharram
Ruling on Christmas and New Year
Ruling on celebrating Valentine’s of Day
Mourning Period in Islam for a Wife (‘iddah)
Etiquette of Joking
Muharram & Ashurah
The Evil of Smoking
How to Treat Anxiety
The Month of Safar
Celebrate Middle of Shaban
Virtue of Fasting Six Days of Shawwaal
Hadith about the one who is secure in his property
Etiquette and Rulings of Eid
Mother’s Day in Islam
The Status of the Arabic Language in Islam
Is there reward for reading the hadiths?
Will a person be brought to account for whatever crosses his mind of good or evil?
Choosing a School and Friends for your Child
Rulings of Udhiyah
All About Zakat al-Fitr 2
An Overview of Tarawih Prayer
Are Muslim Women Oppressed?
20 Exam Tips for Students
What Bible Says about Muhammad?
Recommended Deeds for the Ten Best Days of the Year
How to treat your wife in Islam ? Tips for a better Muslim husband and Muslim wife relationship
Religious Views On Suicide You Need To Know As A Muslim
The supernatural world of jinn in islam
Valentine Day, Birthdays, and Other Daze
Islamic Tips On How To Deal With Toxic People
Who is Valentine?
What Islam says about dreams and dreaming
Nine Sunnahs to Follow on the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
Christmas and Islam
The Essential Rights: Rights of Rasoolullah
Can a Woman Divorce Herself?
Taming the Heart
Istighfar - From the Sunnah
Last 10 Ayat of Surah al-Imran
All of You Are Misguided Except Those Whom I Guide
Can a Muslim Marry a Christian?
Awrah of a woman
Ruling on Celebrating the Middle of Sha’baan
You Should Know This Man (Prophet Muhammad)
Who Is a Woman’s Mahram?
Du’a for pain in body
Major Canadian Christian Missionary Converts to Islam
50 Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine
Anger management in Islam
Du’a for Sick Child
100 Ways We Can Support Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Dua for healing recommended
Surat al Kahf: Achieving serenity in faith
The Five Pillars of Islam
Zakaah in Islam and its rules
Zakat in islam ( Charity in islam)
Can a Wife Refuse Intimacy?
Ruling on Passing directly in Front of a Worshipper in Prayer
Is Music Haram ?
Five Before Five
Top 10 Best Prayer Time Apps for Android & iPhone
The Remedy for Whispering (of Satan) in the Prayer
The Fixed Sunnah Prayers during Travel
He Died and He Had Not Bequeathed Anything
Did the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) commission Ali as a Caliph?
Basmalah quietly in Prayer is Better
Sajdatut-Tilawah is a Sunnah
Tahiyyatul-Masjid during the Times when Prayer is Forbidden
Tawaful-Ifadhah suffices for Tawaful-Wada
Who will be the guardian for the marriage of the orphan Girl?
Performing Tawaf far away from the Ka'bah
The Meaning Of The Statement Wa Ta'alaa Jadduka
The Dangers of Having Female Teachers for Boys in Elementary Schools
The Four Mathhabs
The Story of the Land of Fadak
The Saying:
How to Pray in an Airplane
Supplication in Prayer
It is Incumbent Upon the Husband to Protect His Wife From the Causes of Corruption
How to do sujud Tilawah
Making wudu during winter
Are Islamic banks halal or haram?
Zakat Al-Fitr: Rules and Significance
Steps to Develop Khushoo' During Salah
list of haram games
Channels of Zakah
Heavy On the Scales & Beloved to Allah
The Best Words After the Qur’an
The Best Statement Uttered By All the Prophets
Dhikr When Dogs Bark
Dhikr Upon Seeing the Early or premature Fruit
Encouraging the Dying to Say Shahadah
When Beginning the Sa’y at safa
Congratulating the Parent of a Newborn
Allah Will Suffice You in Everything
First 10 Verses of Surah al-Kahf: Protection from Dajjal
Dua When Hearing the Braying of a Donkey
Business in Islam
What is Zakat?
Fidya for Ramadan
How to improve your relationship with the Quran
Zakat al Fitr
Amazing Tips To Help You Wake Up For Fajr
Halal Diet Plan For Muslims In 2024
Consideration for Neighbours
Means of Attaining Mercy
Ramadan is a revolution for change
Wasiyyah - Islamic will
Can you pray if you have brown discharges before menses?
Five pillars of Islam
Shahada - A profession of faith
Sawm - fast in islam
Charity in Islam
Salah (Fajr - thuhr - asr - maghrib - ishaa)
Significance of the Friday Prayer
What are the sunnah of jummah?
Jumu’ah Sunnah Prayer
How to Adjust Islamic Prayer Times for Different Time Zones
8 Tips for Staying Consistent with Prayer Times While Traveling
5 Best Websites for Accurate Islamic Prayer Times Globally
The Significance of Fajr: 7 Benefits of Starting Your Day with Prayer
5 Must-Have Features in a Prayer Time App
5 Unique Islamic Prayer Time Tools for Busy Professionals
The History and Importance of Islamic Prayer Times
How to Set Up Prayer Time Reminders on Your Smartphone?
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Fatwa Islamiyah
Islamic verdicts 8 Volumes