list of haram games

list of haram games

There is no list of haram games because whether a game is haram depends on the specific content of the game and how it's played. Here are some things that can make a game haram:


Games that involve gambling are haram, because gambling is seen as a form of usury.


Games that promote violence or hatred can be haram. However, some scholars say that it's okay to play games that involve violence if the violence is not gratuitous or realistic.

Sexual content:

Games that contain sexual content are haram.

Idols or statues:

Games that depict idols or statues of living beings can be haram, because Islam discourages idolatry.


Some scholars believe that music is haram, so games that include music could also be haram.

If you're unsure about whether or not a game is haram, it's always best to consult with a religious scholar.

Here are some tips for choosing halal games:

  • Look for games that are rated for a younger audience.

  • Read reviews of games before you buy them to make sure they don't contain any haram content.

  • Play games with a friend or family member so that you can keep each other accountable.

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