Lessons from the day of Arafa

Lessons from the day of Arafa

All praise is due to Allah, we testify that there is no God but Allah and we bear witness that Mohamed is the messenger of Allah.

O you who believe fear Allah as he should be feared and do not die except as Muslims.

The day of Arafa is an important in Islam, because it is the day of completing Islam, it is the day of the great Hajj, and it is the witnessed day. A Jewish man came to Omar and asked him, there is an Aia in your book if we have like it in our book and we know when it was revealed we will celebrate that day. Omar asked: which Aya? The man said: “today I completed for you your religion, and perfected my grace over you, and accepted Islam as a religion for you”.

Omar said: I know when it was revealed and where, it was on Friday, on the day of Arafa and on the day of the great Hajj”.

In today’s Khutba I would like to share some of lessons we can learn from the day of Arafa.

  1. The day of Arafa is the day of equalization.
    Muslims on the day of Arafa are equal; they stay at one place, wear same cloths and spend the same time. There is no difference between colors, or race all of them are equal. Their ritual is (Labaika Allahumma labbaik). (We answer you answer after answer, we answer you, there is no partner with you, we answer you. Surly, all praise is to you, the grace and the dominion are belonging to you).
    Equalization is one of the principles of Islam which made Islam the most high above any other religion or school of thought.

  2. Arafa with the Day of Judgment.
    The two white pieces of fabrics are reminding us the day of the hereafter since death till the resurrection. The day when people wake up from their graves naked and sun will be very close to their heads waiting for the permission of Allah to start the reckoning. On The day which nothing will benefit anyone except who meet Allah with a pure heart. It is the same image of the day of resurrection when people move from Arafa to Muzdalifa and then to Mina and the same of the days of throwing the stones. So hasten to good deeds as much as you can on the day of Arafa.

  3. The day of Arafa is the day of accepting Du’a and freedom from hellfire.
    The prophet (SAW) said: “it maybe disheveled, dusty and not fames person, when he asks Allah, Allah answers him). Allah accepts the supplication of Muslims that day and forgives their sins. On the day of Arafa Allah comes to the first heaven and be proud of the people of earth in front of angels saying to angels: “look at my servants, they left everything and came to me disheveled and dusty seeking my mercy and fearing my torment, so be witness o my angels that I forgave them”. So, a big numbers of people are freed from hell on the day of Arafa more than any other occasion.
    Brothers and sisters make an effort to please Allah with Du’a and the remembrance of Allah on the day of Arafa to be freed from hellfire. The best remembrance is :

    ✨لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شئ قدير

    Translation :

    None has the right to be worshipped but Allah alone, Who has no partner. His is the dominion and His is the praise and He is Able to do all things.

    Transliteration :

    Lā ilāha illallāhu waḥdahu lā sharīka lah, lahu 'l-mulku walahu 'l-ḥamd, wa huwa `alā kulli shay'in qadīr.

  4. The eternal happiness.
    The people of this life seek the happiness any way to please themselves, but the result is that they gain short term of happiness or part of happiness, but the real happiness is when Allah forgive your sins. When you be successful in this life and in the hereafter as Allah (SWT) says: (And those who are blessed, they will be in Paradise, they live there forever and they will never get out of it except as your Lord will, a gift without an end).
    A complete and pure Hajj has no reward but paradise”. On the hand “whoever performs hajj with no shortcoming will return as a new born”.

  5. The covenant.
    Most of the actions of hajj connected with the covenant of Muslims saying (talbiah) labbaik allahumma labbike. In this Talbia Muslims declare that we answer you o Allah in our prayers, our fasting, our Zakat, when you command or prohibit, we answer you by following the Quran and Sunna of the prophet (SAW). This is an important covenant we should declare also here with the people of Hajj every Arafa day.

Remember to join the people of Arafa with the reward when you remember Allah that day as the prophet (SAW) said in one war about some Muslims couldn’t join the prophet (SAW) with an excuse. “In Almadina there are men joined you each single of reward”. To get the gift of Allah that day please, do your best and remember Allah and worship Him that day as best as you can.
The best way of joining them is to fast the day of Arafa because it removes the sins of two years, this year and the past one.
May Allah reward you and accept your good deeds.


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