More intenser heat

More intenser heat

O worshipers of Allah, one of the wisdoms of Allah ﷻ is the alternation of seasons, between cold and heat, drought and rain, and long days and short days. "Allah alternates the night and the day. Indeed, in that is a lesson for those who have vision" (Quran, Surah Al-Nur, 44).

Indeed, here comes the summer with its intense heat, reminding us of one of the remarkable signs and profound wisdoms of Allah ﷻ.

In everything, there is a sign (proof, evidence, lesson) for Him.

And in the summer: there are benefits for people and wisdom from their Lord! Ibn al-Qayyim said: 'In the summer, the air becomes hot, which causes the fruits to ripen and the waste of bodies to dissolve'.

And in the summer, there are reminders of Allah's blessings such as: the cool shades, protective clothing, and refreshing coolers! Allah says: 'And Allah has made for you from what He has created shades and has made for you from the mountains, shelters, and has made for you garments which protect you from the heat.' Ibn Kathir said: 'The 'sirabil' (garments) mentioned here are clothing made of cotton, linen, and wool'.

The heat of summer is indeed a trial and hardship, and trials are faced with patience and acceptance, while also taking necessary measures to cope with them.

When the Prophet (ﷺ) went out for the Battle of Tabuk, which was in intense heat and a distant journey, the hypocrites advised each other, 'Do not go out in the heat.'The severe response from Allah was revealed, 'Say, 'The fire of Hell is more intense in heat'.(Quran, 9:81).

And the believers go out to the mosque, and the sun scorches their faces because “they fear a Day when eyes will be overturned”. They are also afraid that their faces might be touched by the Fire.

And among the good deeds of summer is fasting during the hottest days!. Abu Darda, may Allah be pleased with him, said: Fast on a scorching hot day as a preparation for the heat of the Day of Resurrection. And pray two units of prayer in the darkness of the night as a preparation for the darkness of the grave".

Some of the predecessors wept when he was dying, so he was asked, 'What makes you cry?' He said, 'I do not weep out of fear of death or desire for the world, but I weep for the thirst of the hawajir (hottest days) and for standing in prayer during the winter nights!'.

And among the virtues of summer is giving water. The Prophet ﷺ was asked, 'Which charity is best?' He replied, 'Providing water.' Some of the Tabi'in said, 'For the one whose sins are many, he should offer water. If the sins of the one who gives water to a dog can be forgiven, then what do you think will happen to the one who gives water to a believing monotheist?'.

And summer has come to remind us of the intense heat of Hellfire!" The Prophet ﷺ said, "The Hellfire complained to its Lord, saying, 'O Lord, some parts of me consume other parts!' So Allah granted it two breaths: a breath in winter and a breath in summer. The breath in summer is the hottest you can find, and the breath in winter is the coldest you can find".

And charity (Sadaqah) shields from the heat of the Day of Resurrection. The Prophet ﷺ said, "Each person will be in the shade of their charity until judgments are made between people."He also said, "Whoever among you can protect themselves from the heat of the Hellfire, even with half a date, let them do so".

And when the sweat drips from you due to the intense heat of the sun, and there is a long distance between you and the sun, remember this Hadith “On the Day of Resurrection, the sun will be brought close to the creation until it is as close as a mile. People will be shaded according to their deeds”. Ibn 'Abd al-Barr said, "Whoever is in the shade of Allah on the Day when there is no shade except His, will be saved from the horrors of that situation".

And when you wash with water to cleanse your body from the effects of the heat, do not forget to cleanse your heart with the water of repentance from the heat of sins and their impurities. “Allah loves those who repent and those who purify themselves”. One of the supplications of the Prophet ﷺ was, "O Allah, purify me with snow, hail, and cold water".

After all that has been said, if we flee from the heat of this world, shouldn't we flee even more from the heat of the Hereafter? It is more deserving of seeking refuge!

You flee from the scorching heat of this life and take precautions against it, but what about the Hellfire, from which you should also flee?

Its punishment is far more severe, and you would not be able to endure even the slightest of its torments. If you were made of iron, you would still melt away!

And when you drink cold water, remember the longing of the people of Hellfire and their pleading with the people of Paradise, saying, "Pour upon us some water or anything that Allah has provided you."The people of Paradise will respond, saying, "Indeed, Allah has forbidden them both to the disbelievers".

And remember this heat as a glimpse of the bliss of the people of Paradise. Allah, the Almighty, says,"Reclining therein on adorned couches. They will not see therein any [burning] sun or [freezing] cold". Ibn Kathir said, "Meaning, they will not experience any distressing heat or painful cold. Rather, it will be a consistent, perpetual state, with no changes to disturb their comfort".


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