Warning through Surah Qaf

Warning through Surah Qaf

Allāh revealed the Quran as a warning for mankind. He warns them of the causes of torment and reminds them of the reckoning. And it contains many verses that state that it was revealed as a warning to people from the torment of this worldly life and the torment of the hereafter. Allāh Almighty said:
Al Furqan (25) 1: Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion upon His Servant that he may be to the worlds a warner

And Allāh Almighty said:
Ash-Shuraa (42) 7: And thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur’ān that you may warn the Mother of Cities [i.e., Makkah] and those around it and warn of the Day of Assembly, about which there is no doubt. A party will be in Paradise and a party in the Blaze.

And warning was the mission of all the prophets. Each one spoke of it and warned within their communities. Noah and Hud, peace be upon them, each said in addressing their respective communities:
Al Araf (7) 63: Then do you wonder that there has come to you a reminder from your Lord through a man from among you, that he may warn you and that you may fear Allāh so you might receive mercy?”

And our Prophet Mohammad ﷺ is a warner from among the warners who came before him. Allāh Almighty said:
An Najm (53) 56: This [Prophet ﷺ ] is a warner from [i.e., like] the former warners.

And the mission of the Prophet ﷺ was limited to warning. Allāh Almighty said:
Al Hajj (22) 49: Say, “O people, I am only to you a clear warner.”

And the Prophet ﷺ said:
Indeed, I am a plain warner, so save yourselves, save yourselves. [Bukhari 6482, Muslim 2283]

And the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ used to warn and urge the people through this Quran that Allāh Almighty made light and guidance. So there is nothing that remedies the diseases of the hearts more than the Quran. And nothing that rectifies matters more than the Quran. Allāh Almighty said:
Al Isra (17) 9: Indeed, this Qur’ān guides to that which is most suitable

And from the exhortation of the Prophet ﷺ is that he used to frequently recite Surah Qaf during the Khutbah on Friday.

Um Hashem bint Hareth bin Numan, may Allāh be pleased with her, said:
I memorized ‘Qaf. By the Glorious Qur’an,’ from the mouth of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ when he was on the minbar on Friday.” [Sunan an-Nasa’i 1411, Grade: Ṣaḥīḥ]

That it, the Prophet ﷺ used to abundantly recite Surah Qaf on Friday. And this is a great surah in which the inception of man from when Allāh Almighty created him is mentioned. And his conditions and deeds are mentioned. And his ending and purpose are mentioned. Allāh Almighty began this surah by with refuting the deniers with His Words:
Qaf (50) 1-3: (1) Qāf. By the honored Qur’ān (2) But they wonder that there has come to them a warner from among themselves, and the disbelievers say, “This is an amazing thing. (3) When we have died and have become dust, [we will return to life]? That is a distant [i.e., unlikely] return.”

So the disbelievers denied what the Prophet ﷺ came with of the resurrection and reckoning:
Qaf (50) 3: When we have died and have become dust, [we will return to life]? That is a distant [i.e., unlikely] return.”

Then Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 4: We know what the earth diminishes [i.e., consumes] of them, and with Us is a retaining record.

That is We know what the earth consumes of their bodies after their passing and We have a record of what the earth consumes. Then Allāh Almighty explained that when they denied the truth when it came to them, they were confused:
Qaf (50) 5: But they denied the truth when it came to them, so they are in a confused condition.

And likewise is the case of whoever denies the truth. They are necessarily confused about the truths, so they cannot distinguish between truth and falsehood nor between good and bad.

Then Allāh Almighty alerted those who deny the resurrection of his ability to do so with what they witness of these great creations that indicate His absolute ability. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 6-10: (6) Have they not looked at the heaven above them – how We structured it and adorned it and [how] it has no rifts? (7) And the earth – We spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains and made grow therein [something] of every beautiful kind, (8) Giving insight and a reminder for every servant who turns [to Allāh]. (9) And We have sent down blessed rain from the sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest (10) And lofty palm trees having fruit arranged in layers

Then Allāh Almighty alerted to His ability to resurrect based on what they witness of the descending of rain from the sky and the emergence of plants from it of orchards, grains, and palm trees with plentiful fruits. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 11: As provision for the servants, and We have given life thereby to a dead land. Thus is the emergence [i.e., resurrection].

And Allāh Almighty established His ability to return the creation a second time based on the initial creation. So He Almighty established through this His ability to resurrect with rational and sensory proofs.

Then Allāh Almighty clarified the situation of people from the beginning of their creation and Allāh’s knowledge of that situation. And that Allāh Almighty knows people’s inner whispers let alone what they do and show. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 16: And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein.

So the angels are closer to people than their jugular vein. And this is similar to the words of Allāh regarding a dying person. Allāh Almighty said:
Al Waqia (56) 85: And We [i.e., Our angels] are nearer to him than you, but you do not see

And after that Allāh Almighty clarified that every person has two accompanying angels that record what one says and does. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 17-18: (17) When the two receivers [i.e., recording angels] receive, seated on the right and on the left. (18) He [i.e., man] utters no word except that with him is an observer prepared [to record].

That is they monitor what one says and does and they are prepared to do so.

Then Allāh Almighty clarified the end of the person that toils and toils in this worldly life. Then, in the end, inevitably one shall meet Allāh Almighty and be transported from this worldly existence to the world of the hereafter. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 19: And the intoxication of death will bring the truth

The severity of death and the severity of separating from family and separating from wealth and separating from the abode that one is familiar with from the time that they exited their mother’s womb, and the severity of separating from the deeds that one hoped and wished for. And it is not deeds for the sake of the worldly life that, at that point, one is bidding farewell. But rather they are the deeds for the sake of the hereafter which is one’s future. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 19: That is what you were trying to avoid.

But there is no escape from death and no fleeing.

Then Allāh clarified the situation after that on the Day of Resurrection. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 20-21: (20) And the Horn will be blown. That is the Day of [carrying out] the threat. (21) And every soul will come, with it a driver and a witness.

The horn is blown, so the person rises. One rises from their grave barefoot and unclothed and they have a driver and a witness. An angel that drives the person to the plain of resurrection and an angel that testifies against a person according to their deeds. What a great scene when a person rises from their grave, and sees the earth surging with great and huge numbers of people and creatures. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 22: [It will be said], “You were certainly in unmindfulness of this

That is, in the worldly life you forgot about the Day of Resurrection and you were heedless of it and it took you by surprise. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 22: So your sight, this Day, is sharp.

And sharpness of sight is the strength of its penetration within a person. That is, the covering of heedlessness has been lifted from you. And you now see matters for what they really are. But at a time that you cannot make up for falling short or for what you missed. And all of this is warning from Allāh Almighty for the people by mentioning what the deniers will experience on that great day. And that day deeds will be brought forth and doers will be recompensed for what they did. Then cast into Hell will be:
Qaf (50) 24-26: (24) Every obstinate disbeliever (25) Preventer of good, aggressor, and doubter, (26) Who made [as equal] with Allāh another deity; then throw him into the severe punishment.”

And in that great position, witnesses will testify against a person. And Allāh Almighty mentioned nine witnesses in the Quran. The first and second witnesses are the two witnesses that record the deeds of a person and will testify against them. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 23: And his companion, [the angel], will say, “This [record] is what is with me, prepared.”

And the earth and one’s organs and limbs will bear witness against them. So after this will a person have an excuse?! And these witnesses are all combined to testify about what one did in this worldly life.

Oh Muslims:In this surah, Allāh mentioned what one’s two companions will say. Regarding the first companion, Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 23: And his companion, [the angel], will say, “This [record] is what is with me, prepared.”

What is meant by that is the angel entrusted with the deeds of the son of Adam, who will bear witness against what he did and said:
Qaf (50) 23: This [record] is what is with me, prepared.

That is a prepared record without excesses or deficiencies. As far as the second companion, Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 27: His [devil] companion will say, “Our Lord, I did not make him transgress, but he [himself] was in extreme error.”

Ibn Abbas said, that companion is the devil and he will disavow himself from man on the Day of Resurrection, so Allāh Almighty will say:
Qaf (50) 28-29: (28) [Allāh] will say, “Do not dispute before Me, while I had already presented to you the threat [i.e., warning]. (29) The word [i.e., decree] will not be changed with Me, and never will I be unjust to the servants.”

Then Allāh Almighty will say to Hell:
Qaf (50) 30: On the Day We will say to Hell, “Have you been filled?” and it will say, “Are there some more,”

And that is because Allāh Almighty has promised to fill Hell up with Jinn and people.

And Anas, may Allāh be pleased with him, related that the Prophet ﷺ said:
Hell will continue saying: ‘Are there any more’ until the Mighty Lord puts His Foot over it. It will say: ‘Enough! Enough! By Your Might.’ And one side of it will close in on the other.” [Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3272, Grade: Ṣaḥīḥ]

And Allāh Almighty said regarding paradise:
Qaf (50) 31: And Paradise will be brought near to the righteous, not far,

Paradise will be brought close. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 32: [It will be said], “This is what you were promised – for every returner [to Allāh] and keeper [of His covenant].

That is for returners to Allāh and the repentant who kept the covenant between them and Allāh Almighty and did not break it. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 33: Who feared the Most Merciful in the unseen

That is the one who fears Allāh in private when no one sees them. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 33: And came with a heart returning [in repentance].

That is a sound heart that submits to its Lord. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 34: Enter it in peace.

That is secure from torment and receiving greetings of peace from the Angels. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 34: This is the Day of Eternity.

That is without any passing or death and without any type of toil. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 35: They will have whatever they wish therein, and with Us is more.

They will have whatever the souls wish for and what delights the eyes. And they will have on top of that more and that is glancing at the Face of the Mighty, Generous Lord. They will enjoy hearing his words, and enjoy being close to Him. We ask Allāh Almighty to make us one of them. Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 36: And how many a generation before them did We destroy who were greater than them in [striking] power and had explored throughout the lands.

That is: they built fortified forts and elevated dwellings. And they planted trees. And they diverted rivers, and planted, and built, and demolished. So when they rejected the messengers of Allāh and denied the signs of Allāh, Allāh took them with a severe torment.
Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 36: Is there any place of escape?

That is they cannot flee from the punishment of Allāh when it descends upon them and there is no escape. Then neither their strength nor their wealth nor their children will avail them. Then Allāh Almighty said:
Qaf (50) 37: Indeed in that is a reminder for whoever has a heart or who listens while he is present [in mind].

Allāh mentioned in this great verse the requirements for benefiting from the Quran. And there are four factors that if they are realized, one benefits and is effected profoundly. The first factor is something affective and moving and that is the Quran. And the second factor is a receptive place and that is a live heart. And the third factor is what required for attaining the benefit and that is listening attentively to what one recites or hears. And the fourth factor is removing the obstacle and that is the inattentiveness and negligence of the heart. But when one of these requirements are not realized, such as the heart not being alive, or one does not reflect upon the Quran, or does not listen attentively to it, or if there is an obstacle such as negligence or inattentiveness of the heart, like the one reciting the Quran quickly without reflection, then one does not benefit from its recitation or to listening to the Quran. Then Allāh Almighty commanded His noble messenger in the last verse of the surah:
Qaf (50) 38: But remind by the Qur’ān whoever fears My threat.

That is reminding what is in the minds and innate dispositions from love of goodness and performing it and hating evil and avoiding it. And indeed the one who fears the warning of Allāh is the one who remembers through reminders. But the benefit of reminding the one who does not fear the warning of Allāh and does not believe in Allāh, is establishing evidence against them. We ask Allāh Almighty to revive our hearts through the Quran and make us among those who recite and listen attentively to the Quran. Indeed Allāh is All Hearing, Answering.


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