Prayer for the day of arafah
Category: Dua and Dhikr

Prayer for the day of arafah

✨Ya Mateen (the Firm, the Steadfast) please help us stay steadfast/ consistent in our ibadah. Please guard our hearts from everything that will weaken our Iman, and bring our hearts closer to what will increase our Iman.

✨Ya Rauuf Ya Wakeel (the Most Kind, the Disposer of Affairs) please grant us the best ending, for Khusnul Khotima. We ask for your help to straighten all of our affairs, to place graceful acceptance to everything that You have decreed for us.

✨Ya Razzaq Ya Mughniy (the Provider, the Enricher) please grant us barakah in our health, our wealth, our time, and our knowledge.

✨Ya Samad (the Satisfier of Needs), please make us rely and depend only on You and nothing else.

✨Ya Baseer (the All Seeing), please grant us a heart that is constantly aware to your blessings.

✨Ya Wahhab (the Giver of All Gifts), please grant us the most sacred gift of Guidance, of Taqwa, of Love for Rasulullah SAW, of Love for the Quran and Love for everything that You love, and hatred for everything that You hate.

✨Ya Salam (the All Perfect), grant us qalbul saleem- a sound heart as you granted to Prophet Ibrahim AS.

✨Let us always carry in our hearts hasbinullah wa nimaa wakeel- Allah you are sufficient for us and you are the best disposer of affairs for us.

✨Ya Aleem, Ya Hakeem, you are the all knowing, the all wise, you know and we do not know. Grant us security and contentment and ridhaa in our hearts, Ya Mumin as you are the granter of security and sufficiency.

✨Ya Nur, polish our hearts and fill it with light, light of You and Your prophets and Your Quran.

✨Ya Fatah, open our hearts to your guidance and increase in us understanding.

✨Ya Wadud, unify the hearts together of those that we love- our families, offspring and beloved.

✨Ya Allah, ya Rabbi, ya Ilahi, grant our hearts yaqeen (certainty), and istiqomah (consistency). Grant us a heart that does not tire of remembering You.

✨Ya Allah we seek refuge in you from a heart that is envious, arrogant, heedless, proud and a heart that does not forgive.

✨Ya Kareem, Ya Latif, grant us a sincere and generous heart.

✨Ya Allah, I seek refuge with You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being over powered by men.

✨Ya Allah, may You allow us to meet You with a heart that You are most pleased with.

✨May You make the words of Tauhid, ‘Laailahaillallah’ be the last of our words.

✨Ya Allah, protect us from the torment of the grave, make our days in the grave and Day of Judgement to pass us fast so we don’t feel the length of waiting before entering Jannah.

✨Ya Allah, make us be one of those who attain Your Shade on the Day where there is no shade but Yours.

✨Ya Allah, allow us to cross the Sirat in a blink of an eye, to make our scale heavier with good deeds in the day of Judgement, and to receive our Book of Deeds with the right hand.

✨Ya Allah, protect us from the Hellfire and allow us to enter Jannah from any gate. Allow us to enter the highest level of Jannah, Jannatul Firdaus, and be among the company of the Rasulullah SAW, the Anbiya, the Solihin, the Shuhadah, and all of our loved ones.

✨Oh Allah, Al Hafiz, the Ever-Preserving Guardian, please save the Ummah. Save the people that are going through so much in this world, who are in a crisis that we are too privileged to even imagine how they feel. Save our brothers and sisters in Yemen, and all other parts of the world

✨. Ya Allah Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim, please give them justice. Please embrace them with security and reassurance that they have You to be there for them, to listen to them, as you are As Samee’, the All-Hearing. To comfort them by reminding them that Rasulullah SAW and the entire Ummah is there for them too.

✨Plant happiness in their hearts and make them feel like sunshine even in these hard times. Please place them on the highest level of Jannah. Reunite them with the beloved Prophet S.A.W and everyone they love. Ya-Hafeedh, our Protector, please rotect all of us from any violence, fear, and danger.

✨Ya Allah, Al-Jaami’ (The Gatherer, the Uniter), guide us to offer help to one another in times of need so that we may never leave anyone behind and have mercy on Your Ummah for we are weak and only You can give us strength. Ya Khalid please send a cure to this pandemic. Give us strength and sabr for all the tests during this time.

✨Ya Allah, Ya Mujib may You grant all of our duas.

✨Ya Allah, Al-Wali, our protecting Friend, grant the entirety of the Ummah Your most profound companionship for we are always in need of Your Love and Guidance. We are desperately in need of You.

✨We beg of you to nurture our love for You even more every single day, nurture our love for people who love You, for people who are beloved to You. Make us near to these people, and make us near to the actions that increase our love for You, and Your love for us.

✨As we get closer to the ends of times, where the threat of Dajjal and all sorts of Fitnah are looming over our heads, please Ya Allah, make sure we stay steadfast in Your religion. May we remain friends with each other for the sake of You, so that we can save one another from the evils of the world, and so that we can call upon one another’s names in Jannah. Make this true for the AA Plus Sisters, for all the teachers and the teachers who have guided them in knowledge and wisdom and make this true for our families and our friends who aren’t as near to You right now, and to the oppressed ones in all corners of the globe.

✨Ya Allah, Al-Aleem, Al-Hakeem, You are The All-Knowing and The Most Wise, help us make sense of our lives. There are many questions in our minds that remain unanswered. There are many doubts in our minds that keep haunting us. There are many fears that remain unaddressed.

✨Ya Allah, Ya Jabbar Ya Saleem, help us find comfort in Your Remembrance when we are at our most confused state. Help us find comfort whenever Shaytaan tries to push us in a pool of doubtful questions Everything that is now confusing me, bothering me, and troubling me is all under Your control and Knowledge.

✨Ya Allah, when our limited wisdom cannot make sense of the events that unfold in our lives, remind us that You are Al-Hakeem, and Your wisdom is beyond our comprehension. Ya Allah, bless us with sound mental / spiritual / emotional and physical health so that we are able to make correct choice for oursleves in all aspects of our lives.

✨Ya Allah Ya Saboor, grant us the patience in facing the sickness in us. We are in so much pain and we are indeed struggling. Ya Allah Ya Syafi, please heal us from this pain and let this sickness be an expiation for our sins.

✨Ya Allah, Ya Ash-Shakoor, the One Who is Ever Appreciative. Thank You for reminding us that as long as we’re trying, You recognize the good that we do. And that is enough to comfort a tired and anxious heart.

✨Ya Allah, grant us all ‘Afiyyah. Allahumma inni as’alukal ‘afiyyah.

✨Ya Razzaq, please give us barakah in the Rizq You provided especially beneficial knowledge for us. Allow us to use the sustenance you provide to us for good and for the benefit of others in this duniya and the Hereafter.

✨O Allah, we ask for You to make us tranquil in whatever you have decreed for us and make us only want what You want for us.

✨O Allah, we ask You to make us moderate in times of wealth and poverty and we ask You for Your everlasting bliss and joy which will never fade. Ya Ra’oof, please make us of those who have Syukur, who constantly feel grateful and content with all that You’ve provided for us.

✨Ya Allah Ya Hakim Ya Alim, grant us the understanding of the Deen. Grant us the companionship and mentorship of Teachers who loves You and whom You love. Allow our hearts and limbs to shy away from laziness and lethargy when it comes to seeking Knowledge.

✨Ya Allah, increase us in Knowledge, but let this knowledge be with sincerity, not seeking fame/glory/status. Let this knowledge serve Your cause in a way that you accept, and let it benefit humanity.

✨Ya Allah, bless our scholars and leaders who are striving to establish Islam in this world on the balanced path of Your beloved Prophet.

✨Ya-Sami’, Ya-Wadud, Ya-Rauf Bless us with a life long partner who will be a good companion for us on this Path back to You. Ya Allah, grant us a chance to serve You through marriage. Allow our spouse to be an Imam that can guide us towards Jannah, support us emotionally, financially, spiritually & physically and bless us with healthy children who radiates Nur.

✨Ya Allah, Ya ‘Alim, make us always love our siblings even though there might be problems or fights in between.

✨ Ya Allah Ya Muqit, please nourish our love towards our siblings and please tighten our bonds with our siblings.

✨Ya Allah, Ar rashid, please guide all of us to always remember You, run together to get Your pleasure.

✨Ya Allah, please ease the problems for each and every one of our siblings and Ya Allah Ya Salam, fill our soul and heart with peace and guidance.

✨ Ya Allah Ya Gahfur, please forgive us for all the sins that we did and please help us to always appreciate our parents.

✨Ya Allah may we reunite with our siblings in the highest level of Jannah.

✨Ya Allah, please forgive and erase our parents sins. Ya Allah, please guide and shower our parents with Your endless blessings and mercy in dunya and akhirah.

✨Ya Allah, please grant our parents the best of health.

✨Ya Allah, please invite our parents to perfom Hajj. Ya Allah, please ease our parents’ affairs and give them strength to face your tests.

✨ Ya Allah, please grant them children who will serve and take care of them when they are older.

✨Ya Allah, please grant our parents with children who will always make dua for them even after they passed away. Ya Allah, please provide our parents with a halal and blessed rezeki.

✨Ya Allah, please give our parents husnul khatimah.

✨Ya Allah, please give our parents graves that are wide, full with light and are accompanied by the angels Ya Allah, please ease our parents to cross Siratul .Mustaqim in a lightning speed

✨Ya Allah, please give our parents their book of deeds on their right hands.

✨Ya Allah, please grant our parents with Jannatul Firdaus .

✨Ya Allah, please forbid our parents from entering the Hellfire.

✨Ya Allah, please reunite our parents and us with Rasulullah SAW in Jannatul Firdaus.

✨Ya Allah, please grant our parents with rivers in Jannah for every tears/pain/hardships that they went through for their children.

✨Ya Allah, please allow us to be good parents who can be a role model to our children and can guide them to the right path.

✨Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, You’re The Most Merciful of All, please allow us to be merciful and compassionate with all of our animal friends and the rest of Your creations.

✨Just as how our Prophet SAW did. May we follow his footsteps in this often forgotten Sunnah.

✨Ya Malik Ya Razzaq, please give all of our animal friends protection from bad human intentions and other harmful acts. May all our of efforts such as donations, feeding & giving shelter to our animal friends be one of reasons for us to enter Jannah.

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Category: Dua and Dhikr
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