She got her Menses while performing Tawaful- Ifadhah, so she completed it due to shyness

She got her Menses while performing Tawaful- Ifadhah, so she completed it due to shyness

Question :

A woman traveled to perform Hajj and she got her monthly menstrual cycle five days before the date of her travel. After she reached the Miqat, she bathed and assumed Ihram while she had not become pure from her menstrual cycle. Then, when she reached Makkah Al-Mukarramah, she remained outside of the Haram (i.e., the Masjid) and she did not do anything of the rites of Hajj and Umrah. Then she stayed for two days in Mina, and she became pure, bathed and performed all the rites of 'Umrah while she was pure. Then her bleeding returned while she was performing Tawaful-Ifadhah for Hajj. However, she was shy and she completed the rites of Hajj without telling her guardian until after she reached her homeland. So, what is the ruling on that?


If the matter occurred as the questioner mentioned, the mentioned woman must go to Makkah and perform Tawaf of the Ancient and Protected House (the Ka'bah) making seven circuits with the intention of Tawaf for her Hajj. This is to take the place of the Tawaf that she made while she was menstruat- ing. Then, after the Tawaf, she prays two Rak'ahs of prayer behind the standing place of Ibrahim or in any place of the Haram (i.e., in the Masjid). With this, she completes her Hajj.

She is required to sacrifice an animal in Makkah for its poor people if she has a husband who had sex with her after the Hajj. This is because the woman in Ihram is not permissible for her husband to have sex with, until after the Tawaful-Ifadhah, stoning the pillar on the day of Eid and cutting her hair. She must also make Sa'y between As-Safa and Al-Marwah if she has not performed Sa'y and she is performing Hajj ut-Tamattu". (which is) making Umrah before Hajj. However, if she is performing Hajjul-Qiran or Al-Ifrad, she does not have to perform Sa'y a second time if she already performed Sa'y with her Tawaf of Arrival.

She must repent to Allâh from what she did of performing Tawaf while menstruating, and leaving Makkah before making the Tawaf (ul-Ifadhah), and delaying the Tawaf for this long amount of time. We ask Allâh to accept her repentance.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 160-161

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