The ruling on whoever spent the Night outside of Mina due to Ignorance and he did not ask

The ruling on whoever spent the Night outside of Mina due to Ignorance and he did not ask

Question :

A man spent two nights extremely close to Mina, thinking that he had spent the night in Mina. However, it became clear to him after that that he was close to it, but he did not know that until these days. So, what should he do now?


He must slaughter an animal in Makkah for the poor people, because he left off an obligation without a legislated excuse. It was obligatory upon him to ask about Mina (i.e., its location) so that he could spend the night in it.

The mentioned man did not perform this obligation, so for this reason he must slaughter an animal. This animal should be a year-old sheep or a two-year-old goat that is suitable for sacrificing. Concerning whoever searched for a place in Mina but could not find one, there is no sin on him. This is due to the Statement of Allâh:

"So fear Allah as much as you are able."

And His Statement:
"Allah does not burden a soul except with what it can bear."

And the statement of the Prophet:
"If I command you to do something, then do it as much as you are able."

Also excluded from this is whoever has a legislated excuse that prevents him from spending the night in Mina, like the sick person, the shepherds, and the people who are responsible for supplying water. There is no sin on them (for not staying in Mina). And success is from Allâh.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 230-231

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