The ruling on the Hajj of the menstruating Woman

The ruling on the Hajj of the menstruating Woman

Question :

What is the ruling on the Muslim woman who has her menses during the days of her Hajj? Does this Hajj suffice her?


If the woman gets her menses during the days of her Hajj, she does whatever the male Hajj pilgrim does, except that she does not perform Tawaf around the Ka'bah or Sa'y between As-Safa and Al-Marwah until she become pure. Then, when she becomes pure, she bathes and performs Tawaf and Say. If she happens to get her menses and nothing remains for her from the acts of Hajj except the Farewell Tawaf, then she travels and nothing is due on her, as its obligation is removed from her and her Hajj is correct. The basis for this is what At-Tirmithi and Abu Dawud recorded from 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas that the Messenger of Allâh said:

"When the woman with postnatal bleeding and the menstruating woman come to the Miqat, they bathe, assume Ihram and fulfill all of the Hajj rites, except for Tawaf around the House (the Ka'bah).

In the Sahih it is reported from 'A'ishah that she got her menses before performing the rites of 'Umrah, so the Prophet ordered her to assume Ihram for Hajj and not to perform Tawaf around the House (the Ka'bah) until she became pure. He also ordered her to do whatever the Hajj pilgrim does and to enter it along with the 'Umrah (i.e., as Qiran). Also, Al-Bukhari recorded from 'A'ishah that she said, "Safiyyah, the wife of the Prophet got her menses and I mentioned that to the Messenger of Allâh. So, he said:
"Will she delay us (from leaving)"

They said: "Verily, she has already performed the Tawaful- Ifadhah. Then he said:
'Then no (i.e., she will not delay us, and we can leave)."

In another narration she said, "Safiyyah got her menses after performing Tawaful-Ifadhah." Then 'A'ishah said, "I mentioned her menstruation to the Messenger of Allâh and he said:
Will she delay us (from leaving)?"

I said, 'O Messenger of Allâh, she has come back from 'Arafat and performed Tawaf of the House (the Ka'bah) and then she got her menses after the Tawaful-Ifadhah.' Then the Messenger of Allâh said:
"Then she can leave."

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 150-151-152

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