What is obligatory after Tawaful-Wada

What is obligatory after Tawaful-Wada"

Question :

What is obligatory on the Hajj pilgrim after Tawaful- Wada"?


Tawaful-Wada' is the last of the acts of Hajj. After it the Hajj pilgrim must try to stand at the place known as Al- Multazam (between the Black Stone and the door of the Ka'bah) and supplicate with whatever is easy, and ask his Lord to allow him to return to the House, and that this not be his last time at it. Then he leaves in a normal fashion. It is not legislated for him to walk backwards (i.e., while facing the Ka'bah). Rather, he should walk while placing the House behind him as he usually walks. Then, he travels after that. If he stays a long time, like half a day, without a necessary reason, he must repeat the Tawaful-Wada. If he does business, meaning buying and selling or doing some work that alludes to his desire to stay, he must repeat the Tawaful-Wada. However, if he buys something for his trip or for some need of his family, he is not required to repeat the Tawaf. And Allâh knows best.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 189-190

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