What is legislated for whoever wants to perform Hajj and Umrah

What is legislated for whoever wants to perform Hajj and Umrah

Question :

What is legislated for whoever wants to perform Hajj and 'Umrah?


Whoever decides to undertake a long journey for Hajj or anything else, it is legislated for him to pay off his current debts or to seek the permission of those to whom he owes debts if he knows that they are eager and anxious in requesting their payment. Then, he should write down his bequests and whatever he is responsible for and his wealth or whatever he owes. Then, he should offer the prayer of Al-Istikharah, seeking from his Lord that He chooses for him what is most beneficial and correct. Then he should go ahead with whatever his heart feels comfortable with. He should choose righteous companions from the people of knowledge and the religion (to travel with) and he should bring books of knowledge with him that he can benefit from concerning the acts of Hajj and other things, and that will benefit his brothers. He should gather an abundance of wealth, money and provisions so that he can take care of himself or his brothers if there is a need. He should bid farewell to his family and his friends when leaving on the journey. Each of them should say, "I entrust your religion, your trusts (i.e., which have been entrusted to someone) and your final deeds in the care of Allah." He should strive to make his deed solely for Allah. He should not want anything with his Hajj or 'Umrah other than the Face of Allâh. In this way he will not be harmed by whoever praises him or rebukes him. Then he should strive to make sure that his spending is from good and lawful earnings. During his travel, in both going and coming, he should strive to perform voluntary acts of worship and the obligations of the religion. He should benefit his brothers and get benefit from the people of knowledge. He should strive to complete the obligations of Hajj and Umrah, and whatever he is able to do of the Sunan (plural of Sunnah) and the righteous deeds. This should be done with the hope of increase in the deeds (i.e., in their blessings). And Allâh knows best.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 36-37

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