Prophet Salih عليه السلام

Prophet Salih عليه السلام

The People of Thamood

Many years passed since the punishment that be fell the people of 'Aad. New generations came to succeed them. Among these were the people of Thamood. The people of Thamood were Arab tribes. They lived in a place now called مدائن صالح Mada'in Salih in the northwestern part of present day.

Saudi Arabia. Mada'in Salih is an Arabic name that means "Towns of Salih."

Prophet Salih

The people of Thamood had beautiful gardens. They were blessed with beautiful springs, date palms and trees which had plenty of fruit. They lived in huge houses that they carved out of massive red rocks in the moun tains. Allah made them very skill- ful at carving. The people of Thamood were arrogant, and they oppressed the poor who lived among them.

The people of Thamood moved away from tawheed and started to worship idols. Therefore, Allah decided to send them a prophet from amongst themselves to guide them back to the right path. This prophet was صالح عليه السلام Salih He was a well respected citizen of the people of Thamood. He came from a good family, and was well known for his good character.

Thamood Rogeots Allah's Mossa

"Worship only Allah," Prophet Salih عليه السلام told his people. "You have no other god but Allah, so you should do good. I am giving you good advice: You should believe what I say, for Allah has made me His Prophet." Allah reccounts in the Qur'an , Prophet Salih told his people, "Oh my people! Worship Allah, you have no other god but Him." [Surat-ul-A'raf 7:73]

The people of Thamood did not listen to him. They said:

"O Salih! We wished you to be our chief, until you told us to leave our gods and worship your God Alone! We really doubt what you invite us to.

The rich and powerful of the tribe did not listen to Prophet Salih's message. However, many of the wise, poor and humble people followed him. The rich and powerful accused Prophet Salih of being a liar. They said:

"You are nothing but a man, just like any of us. If you are speaking the truth, then show us a proof that you are a prophet." [Surat-ush- Shu'araa 26:154]

The Miracle of the Cainol

Prophet Salih prayed to Allah ﷻ to answer their request. Soon afterwards, a mountain moved and split. From it came a giant a naqah, or she-camel, which was pregnant. This camel soon gave birth. Allah provided the Thamood people this miracle to prove that Salih was a Prophet. This was also a test from Allah for them, to see if they would obey His orders. Now they didn't have any excuses for not believing in Prophet Salih. The proof they asked for had been brought to them. Prophet Salih عليه السلام told them:

"O my people! This she-camel of Allah is a sign to you. Leave her to feed on Allah's Earth, and do not harm her, or a swift punishment will f"all on you! [11:64]

The she-camel and her young lived among Thamood. Allah ordered Prophet Salih to tell his people of the camel's rights. She would drink from the water of the well for one day, and leave it to them the second day: "She has a right to drink (water), and you have a right to drink water, each on a day appointed." (Surat-ush- Shu'araa' 26:155]

"And tell them that the water is to be shared between her and them. Each one has the right to drink by turns." [54:28]

On the day the she-camel was to drink from the well, she would have enough milk for all the people of Thamood. They would milk her and fill all their containers. She was so big that when she would graze in the valley the sheep would flee and. leave the way for her. The cattle would not come near the well on the day she would drink from it.

The people of Thamood were very amazed by this camel. Therefore, some of them believed in and followed Prophet Salih عليه السلام It was clear that she was not a normal camel. She was a miracle from Allah and a blessed animal.

The disbelievers, however, were bothered by her a lot because this miracle proved that they were wrong and Salih was a true prophet. They began to accuse the camel of being a danger to their cattle and sheep. These unbeliev ers began to feel angry and start- ed to feel hatred towards the she camel and her young one. They could not bear to see them anymore.

Thamood Kill the Camel and Allah punishes the disbelievers

One day, the people of Thamood plotted to kill the camel. That way they could use the well every day. Nine men were appointed to kill the she-camel and her infant. While everyone was asleep, these men went out secretly to do the evil job.

The camel stood up as soon as the saw them, but they hit her on the neck, and she fell to the ground. First they slaughtered her. Then they slaughtered her young. The next day, nobody saw the she camel or her young. The people searched and found then both dead. When Prophet Salih heard this, he become very angry.

Prophet Salih عليه السلام warned them saying:
"Enjoy yourselves in your homes [no more than] three days. This is a promise that will not be belied!" [11:65]

This was a warning for them to repent to Allah. Instead, the same nine men decided to kill Prophet Salih as well. They said, "Swear to one another that we shall make a secret night attack on him and his family. Afterwards, we will surely say to his near relatives that we do not know who attacked Salih." Allah ﷻ in the Qur'an:

They said:

"We did not witness the destruction of his family, and we are telling the truth!" [27:48-49]

But Allah ﷻ did not allow them to carry out their plot. As they were going to kill Prophet Salih, Allah showered rocks on them. The nine men were the first to die.

A second day passed after Prophet Salih's warning. Prophet Salih عليه السلام again warned the rest of his people of Allah's punishment that would befall them. The people of Thamood ignored him, and contin- ued to worship their idols. Allah ﷻ instructed Prophet Salih to leave the area with his family and fol lowers.

On the third day, as the sun rose, a terrible Earthquake shook the land. The Earthquake destroyed everything. All the peo- ple were destroyed. The area was left barren as if nobody had lived there before! Prophet Salih علیه السلام and his followers were saved from this punishment. He turned away from the dead disbelievers saying:

"O my people! I have indeed delivered to you the message of my Lord, and have given. you good advice but you do not like good advisers!" [7:79]


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
﴿وَالشَّمسِ وَضُحاها۝وَالقَمَرِ إِذا تَلاها۝وَالنَّهارِ إِذا جَلّاها۝وَاللَّيلِ إِذا يَغشاها۝وَالسَّماءِ وَما بَناها۝وَالأَرضِ وَما طَحاها۝وَنَفسٍ وَما سَوّاها۝فَأَلهَمَها فُجورَها وَتَقواها۝قَد أَفلَحَ مَن زَكّاها۝وَقَد خابَ مَن دَسّاها۝كَذَّبَت ثَمودُ بِطَغواها۝إِذِ انبَعَثَ أَشقاها۝فَقالَ لَهُم رَسولُ اللَّهِ ناقَةَ اللَّهِ وَسُقياها۝فَكَذَّبوهُ فَعَقَروها فَدَمدَمَ عَلَيهِم رَبُّهُم بِذَنبِهِم فَسَوّاها۝وَلا يَخافُ عُقباها﴾ [الشمس: ١-١٥]


1. Washmsi waduhaha.
2. Waal qamari itha talahal
3. Wannahari itha jallaha.
4. Wallayli itha yaghshaha
5. Wassamai wama banaha 6. Wal-Ardi wama tahaha
7. Wanafsi wama sawwaha
8. Fa-alhamaha fujooraha wataqwaha
9. Qad afiaha man zakkaha
10. Wagad khaba man dassaha
11. Kaththabat thamoodu bitaghwaha
12. Ith-inbaatha ashqaha
13 . Faqala lahum rasoolullahi naqat-Allahi wasuqyaha
14. Fakaththaboohu faAAagarooha fadandama AAalayhim rabbuhum bithanbihim fasawwaha
15. Wala yakhafu 'uqbaha


1. By the sun and its brightness
2. And [by] the moon when it follows it 3. And [by] the day when it displays it
4. And [by] the night when it covers it
5. And [by] the sky and He who built it
6. And [by] the earth and He who spread it
7. And [by] the soul and He who made it well
8. And inspired it [with discernment of its wickedness and its righteousness,
9. Certainly will succeed, whoever purifies it
10. And will fail whoever corrupts it.
11. Thamud disbelieved [their prophet] with its tyranny,
12. When the most wicked of them came out. 13. And the messenger of Allah (Salih) said to them, "[Do not harm] the she-camel of Allah or [prevent her from] her drink."
14. But they denied him and killed her. So their Lord brought down upon them destruction for their sin and made it equal [upon all of them].
15. And He does not fear the consequence thereof.

إقرأ المزيد :
