Turning to Allah: The Story Of Prophet Younus
Allah ﷻ loves His servants very much. Allah sent many prophets to show people the right way to Jannah.
One of Allah's prophets was a man called Younus ibn Matta عليه السلام
Allah chose Younus from among the people to be their prophet. Younus and his people lived in a village called Naynawa in Iraq.
Younus عليه السلام started teaching his people Islam. He called on them to worship only one God. They did not want to obey him.
Prophet Younus عليه السلام was afraid for his people because they did not believe in Allah. He warned them that if they didn't believe in the One God, they would be punished after three days.
They laughed at Prophet Younus and did not obey him.
Prophet Younus عليه السلام became angry, and he decided to leave the vil lage of Naynawa. He left the vil lage without getting permission from Allah. Younus got aboard a ship and sailed away from his people.
While Younus was on the ship, a srong storm came .
The ship was about to sink!!!
People on board started throwing their belongings into the water. They wanted to keep the boat above the water.
The ship was still going to sink.
They thought that the boat would sink because too many people were on it. So they decided to throw at least one person in the water. They made a draw many times, and the name of Younus came up each time! Younus was thrown into the sea.
When Prophet Younus عليه السلام was in the water, a big whale came and swallowed him. Allah ordered the whale not to hurt Younus while he was in his stomach.
Now, Prophet Younus عليه السلام was in the stomach of the whale. It was so dark and wet.
Younus عليه السلام was in three types of darkness:
1. He was inside the stomach of the whale.
2. He was deep under water.
3. It was night time.. Younus عليه السلام realized that he had left his people without waiting for permission from Allah. He knew he should have been more patient with his people. He started asking Allah for forgive ness and saying that he had been wrong.
The Power of dua'a and Tasbeeh
﴿ فَنادى فِي الظُّلُماتِ أَن لا إِلهَ إِلّا أَنتَ سُبحانَكَ إِنّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظّالِمينَ﴾ [الأنبياء: ٨٧]
"And he called out within the darknesses, 'There is no God except You; exalt- ed are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.""
Surat-ul-Anbiya'a Ayah 87
That was the dua'a and tasbeeh of Prophet Younus during his days and nights in the whale's stomach. He said it over and over again.

This time, Prophet Younus عليه السلام learned his les- son and showed sabr. This means that he was patient and waited for Allah to do what was best.
Allah heard Prophet Younus's du'aa'.
Allah As-Samee' السميع - All-hearing
Allah made the whale come on shore and spit Younus out of his stom ach. Prophet Younus was very sick when he came out.
Allah ﷻ grew a gourd tree with big leaves over Younus. Now he could eat from its fruit. Younus rested under its big leaves until he became well enough to go back to his people in Naynawa. He began his journey home.
Meanwhile, in the village of Naynawa, a strong wind started. The people were scared.
Now, they knew that Younus was a prophet from Allah.
They were sorry that they had not obeyed Younus, and they began to worship only Allah. Now, all of the people of Naynawa became believers.
They started praying and making dua'a to Allah to stop His punishment and to forgive them.
Allah ﷻ is so merciful and forgiving, that He answered their du'aa'.
Allah ﷻ forgave them and stopped the storm.
💙Always make dua'a to Allah to help you. Ask Him for help before you ask any body else. Make dua'a every day, and every time you need help, even if it is for a small thing.💙