The Story of Prophet Nuh
Many, many years passed after Prophet Adam left Paradise. Adam's children had children, and their children had children. The number of people on the Earth grew and grew. Soon, there were a lot of people all over the Earth!
More and more time passed, and people started to forget what Prophet Adam had taught. People all around the world found many ways to be bad-too many.
People even forgot to worship the only One True God!
Some people prayed to idols that they made!
Others killed their neighbors and relatives.
Some ate and drank bad food and even dead animals.
Allah was not happy with this. God knew that people on Earth needed a prophet to help them. Allah wanted His peo- ple to be good again. God chose Nuh to be the next prophet of Islam.
Prophet Nuh عليه السلام did what Allah told him to do. He traveled from town to town talking to people. He told them to worship Allah alone. He also told them to stop doing bad things.
Prophet Nuh عليه السلام told the people that they could not worship idols. He warned them that if they did not stop their bad deeds, Allah would punish them.
Prophet Nuh عليه السلام taught his people to worship only their creator: the one God. He also taught them to do the right thing for 950 years, but only a few people lis- tened! Most of them did not obey this great prophet. Allah finally told Prophet Nuh that bad people must be punished.
They were going to drown in a great flood.
The only people who would be safe were the people who believed in Allah and obeyed His prophet. God told Prophet Nuh to build an ark. An ark is a BIG boat.

People laughed at Prophet Nuh عليه السلام while he built his ark. They could not understand why he was building the ark. There was no ocean or river near their land. They also did not expect heavy rain to fall at that time. Prophet Nuh told them that they would not be laughing much longer.
Prophet Nuh عليه السلام took one pair of each animal that lived, a male and female. He put all of the animals on the ark, from the BIGGEST elephant to the smallest ant. Allah helped him do that.
One day, the people heard a scary noise in the sky. It was loud thunder. They also saw very bright light- ning that got brighter and brighter. Seconds later, heavy rain started to fall. Springs began to rise up under people's feet.
Prophet Nuh عليه السلام and all the good people got on the ark. Prophet Nuh's wife and son Yam did not get on the ark! They did not obey Prophet Nuh. Nuh's son thought that he would be safe if he climbed on the highest mountain. Yam climbed, and he was sure that the water would not reach him there.
Prophet Nuh called his son, "Come on the ark, or you will drown." But his son did not believe in Allah and disobeyed his father. He stayed at the top of the mountain where he thought he would be safe. Prophet Nuh knew that his son would drown. Only the people on the ark would be safe. Allah had told Nuh the truth.
After many days and nights, Allah ordered the skies to stop their rain.
Allah commanded the Earth to swallow the water. The ark stopped floating and rested on a mountain called Judy. Prophet Nuh and the believers were saved. All of the bad people were gone. Allah had kept His promise.
Surat-ul-Adiyat: Ayah
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
﴿وَالعادِياتِ ضَبحًافَالمورِياتِ قَدحًافَالمُغيراتِ صُبحًافَأَثَرنَ بِهِ نَقعًافَوَسَطنَ بِهِ جَمعًاإِنَّ الإِنسانَ لِرَبِّهِ لَكَنودٌوَإِنَّهُ عَلى ذلِكَ لَشَهيدٌوَإِنَّهُ لِحُبِّ الخَيرِ لَشَديدٌأَفَلا يَعلَمُ إِذا بُعثِرَ ما فِي القُبورِوَحُصِّلَ ما فِي الصُّدورِإِنَّ رَبَّهُم بِهِم يَومَئِذٍ لَخَبيرٌ﴾ [العاديات: ١-١١]
[1] Wal'aadiyati dabha.
[2] Falmooriyati qadha
[3] Falmugheerati subha
[4] Fa-'atharna bihi naq'a
[5] Fawasatna bihi jam'a
[6] Inn-al-'insana lirabbihi lakanood
[7] Wa-'innahu 'ala thalika lashaheed
[8] Wa-'innahu lihubb-il-khayri lashadeed
[9] Afala ya'lamu itha bu'thira ma fil-quboor
[10] Wahussila ma fissudoor
[11] Inna rabbahum bihim yawma-'ithil lakhabeer
[1] By the running horses that, with panting (breath),
[2] that are sparking fire [when running on rocks],
[3] And they are raiding in the morning,
[4] And raising the dust,
[5] Then they run into the midst of people
[6] Truly man is ungrateful to his Lord;
[7] And he admits that;
[8] And he loves wealth very much.
[9] Doesn't he know that when graves are scattered around
[10] And when all secrets of hearts become known,
[11] That their Lord is then aware of everything they did?