Musa Leaves Egypt

Musa Leaves Egypt

When he grew up, Prophet Musa unintentionally killed an Egyptian man while he was trying to help his fellow Israeli man. This caused Musa to flee Egypt to settle in a town called Madyan, where he established a new family.

Unintentional Killing

One day while Musa was in the city, he saw two men fighting. One man was an Israelite and the other was an Egyptian. When the Israelite saw Musa, he begged him for help. Musa sided with the Israelite, because the Egyptians used to oppress and humiliate the Israelites. Musa punched the Egyptian with his fist on the chest.

Musa did not intend to kill the man, but the man died from the blow. When the man died, Musa realized he had done something wrong and his heart was filled with deep sadness and regret. He begged Allah for forgiveness, and promised Him that he would never side with criminals and evil people in the future.

Musa in Danger

Meanwhile, the family of the victim went to Phir'oun and complained that an Israelite had just killed their relative. Phir'oun ordered his police to investigate the crime and find the killer.

The next day Musa saw the same Israelite he had helped the day before. He was involved in a fight with another Egyptian. Musa realized that the Israelite seemed to be a man who liked fighting with others a lot. Musa then became angry at the Israelite and shouted at him, “you are truly such a trouble maker,” and he attempted to push away the Egyptian man. The Israelite saw Musa angry at him, so he thought that Musa was about to attack him. In panic, the Israelite shouted at Musa, “are you going to kill me just as you killed the other man yesterday?” The Egyptian man and those standing by heard the Israelite say this and quickly went and reported it to the authorities. Shortly after, as Musa was walking in the city, a man approached him and said, “O Musa the chiefs have taken counsel against you, they plotted to get you killed. Just leave town, this is my advice to you.”

Musa Leaves Egypt

Musa knew that he was in great danger because the punishment for killing an Egyptian was death. Musa left Egypt in a hurry without going to Phir’oun’s palace or changing his clothes to prepare for traveling. He traveled east toward Palestine.

While traveling in the hot desert, his only companion was Allah. His shoes were worn out from walking so much and he did not have money to buy a new pair of shoes.

Musa in Madyan

After crossing the Sinai desert, Musa saw a watering hole where shepherds water their sheep near the city of Madyan, which was in the northwestern part of Arabia, near Tabouk in Saudi Arabia now. Madyan was the city of an ancient prophet called Shu'ayb. Musa sat down near a tree and then he noticed two young women who were trying to care for their sheep. Musa felt that the women needed help, so he went and asked them if he could help in some way.

The older sister said: “We are waiting until the shepherds finish watering their sheep and then we will water ours.”

Musa asked: “Why are you waiting?”

The younger sister said: “We cannot intermingle with men and push them away.”

Musa was surprised to see that young women were herding because usually only men were supposed to do such hard and tiresome work. So Musa asked, “Why are you shepherding?”

The younger sister said: “Our father is an old man; his health is too poor to take care of the sheep.”

Musa said: “I will water the sheep for you.”

After watering their sheep, Musa returned to sit under the shade of the tree. Musa had no money, no food and no home to go to. Heprayed to Allah, "O my Lord! Truly, Ineed any good that you would sendme."

Musa Meets A Pious Man

The young women returned home earlier than usual, which surprised their old father. The young women explained to their father that they received some help from a stranger, which was the reason they returned early. The father asked his daughters to invite the stranger to their home. Some scholars believe the girls’ father was Prophet Shu’ayb. Others, however, think the old man was a different pious person whose name was Yi’roun. They say Prophet Shu’ayb lived around three hundred years before Musa’s time. The historians say that the names of the two daughters were Saffoura and Liya.

One of the daughters went to Musa and shyly told him: “My father is grateful for what you have done for us. He invites you to our home so he may thank you personally.”

Musa accepted the invitation. He was a very polite person. Therefore, he asked the girl if he could walk ahead of her so he would not look at her as they walked to her home. Musa arrived at the family’s home and was kindly received by the girls’ father.

Musa could sense that they lived comfortably as a happy and peaceful household. Musa introduced himself and he told them about what happened to him and why he had to flee from Egypt. The man comforted him and said, “Fear not, you have escaped from the wrong doers.”

The New Family

One of the daughters suggested to her father that he employ Musa to take care of the sheep because he was very trustworthy. The old man agreed and told Musa: “I wish to marry you one of my daughters on condition that you agree to work for me for a period of eight or ten years.” Musa agreed to the father’s request. He married one of the daughters, Saffoura according to some historians, and he looked after the old man for ten years.

Time passed and Musa lived in seclusion far away from his family and people in Egypt. This period was very important in his life because it was major preparation toward becoming a prophet of Allah. Musa would contemplate about the world around him, such as the stars at night and the sunrise in the morning.

The religion of Musa was the same as the religion of Prophet Ya’coub, which was Islamic monotheism. Monotheism is the belief in one God. The forefather of Musa was Prophet Yacoub who was the grandson of Prophet Ibraheem. Therefore Musa was one of the descendants of Ibraheem and every prophet that came after Ibraheem was one of Prophet Ibraheem’s descendants.

Back To Egypt

One day Musa really missed his family and people in Egypt. He went to his wife and told her, “Tomorrow we leave for Egypt.” His wife said to herself, “There are a thousand dangers in the way to Egypt,” but she put her trust in Allah and obeyed her husband.

Musa himself did not know the secret of the quick and sudden decision to return to a place of great danger for him. Did he want to visit his mother and siblings? Did he think of visiting Phir’oun’s wife whom he loved and who loved him as if she was his mother?

No one knows what went through Musa’s mind when he returned to Egypt. All we know is that Allah’s destiny drove him to make a decision and he did. Destiny indeed guided him towards a matter of great importance.

Lessons learned

Siding with the Righteous:

In the story of the Israeli man fighting with the Egyptian, Musa sided with the Israeli because he was from his own tribe. Musa unintentionally killed the Egyptian man and he begged Allah for forgiveness.That happened in order to emphasize the wrong fulness of siding unconditionally with our family,tribe, or nation. What makes a man superior to another man is not his family, tribe, or nation, but his righteousness.

Extending and taking sincere advice:

The good man, someone named Sam'aan or Shimon, gave Musa life saving advice. This is the attitude of good believers. So is the acceptance of sincere advice, as well. In this case, this advice worked out very well and saved Musa's life. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that "Religion[guides] to giving and accepting sincere advice." He also considered extending good advice as the right aof a Muslim on the other. Good and sincere advice is the one you extend others for the sake of Allah and to help them be successful in this life and the next life.

Extending Help andGenerosity to Others:

When Musa came near the young women, he saw that they were struggling to do their job. Out of kindness and sincerity, Musa decided to help them. In the end Musa was rewarded for his help by being welcomed to the home of the pious family.Further more, he was also offered to marry one of the young women.Whenever we see someone in need of our assistance, we should never hesitate to extend a hand. Whether the charity is through action, prayer, or money, Allah will reward us just as here warded Prophet Musa, inshaAllah.


The girls in this story showed us how modest and polite they were in the presence of men. They didn't want to mix with men at the well to water their sheep; rather, they kept an distance. Musa also was very modest,polite and gracious when he helped them. When he walked to their home, he didn't want to look at the girl that came to guide him to her home. He preferred to walk away head of her for that reason. Islam teaches us to lower our gaze when we see people of the opposite gender and act modestly at all times.

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