I Obey Allah: The Story of Prophet Adam
Allah created the first human out of clay. He named him "Adam." Adam was the first man Allah ever made, so Adam didn't have a mother or a father. He was also the first prophet. The story of Adam teaches us how important it is to obey Allah.
Along, long time ago, before there were any people, All ah gathered all the angels. He told them to bow down to Prophet Adam, the first human, to show their respect.
All the angels howed down to Adam except
Iblees was arrogant. He refused to bow down to Adam, because Adam was made of clay and Iblees was made of fire.
Do you know what creatures are made out of fire?
Jinn are made from fire. There are good jinn and bad jinn. Iblees was not an angel. He had been a good jinn, but he dis- obeyed Allah's order to bow down to Adam. This made Iblees a bad jinn. Iblees thought he was better than Adam.
How did Iblees dare to disobey Allah in such a bad way!?
What Iblees did was not smart. He made Allah very, very angry with him.
Allah told Iblees:
قَالَ فَأَخْرُجْ مِنْهَا فَإِنَّكَ رَحِيمٌ
"Then, get out of here (Heavens) because you are Rajeem (cursed and punished)." Surat-ul-Hijr: Ayah 34"
Allah sent Iblees out of Heaven and told him that he would live in Hell after a while. Allah gave him a new name: Shaytan, or Satan. This meant he was away from Allah's mercy and that he would burn in Hell. Shaytan then promised to trick people to dis- obey Allah and do bad deeds so they would go to Hell like him.
Ever since that day, Shaytan has tried to make people disobey Allah and do bad things.
Are we going to listen to shaytan and do bad things?

Allah taught Adam the names of everything. Adam learned everything he needed to know.
One day Adam woke up from his sleep. He found a woman looking at him. Allah had created this woman from Adam's rib. She became Adam's wife. Some scholars say her name was Hawwaa', or Eve. The Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad did not tell us what her name was.
Prophet Adam and his wife lived in Jannah, or Paradise. It was a beautiful place to live. There was a lot of food to eat and everything they needed.
Allah told Adam and his wife that they could eat any- thing they wanted. However, Allah ordered them NOT to eat from one fruit tree. Allah warned them that if they ate from that tree, they would lose Jannah. So Adam and his wife obeyed Allah and did not go near the tree.
Then one day, Shaytan came to Adam and his wife. He told them that they should eat from the tree. Shaytan told them that if they ate the fruit of that tree, they would become angels and live in Paradise forever!
Shaytan Lied!
Allah had given so many trees to eat from, but they be lieved Shaytan. They ate some fruit from the forbidden tree. They disobeyed Allah.
Do you think they became angels? Do you think they lived forever? Did they stay in Paradise?
Adam and his wife did NOT become angels. They did NOT live forever, and they did NOT stay in Paradise! Shaytan had tricked them! Allah told Adam and his wife that they had done something very wrong. They felt bad for disobeying Allah. They asked Allah to forgive them and be merciful.

Allah is Al-Ghaffar & Al-Ghafo الغفار، الغفور
The All-Forgiving
Allah forgave Adam and his wife and sent them down to Earth.
Adam عليه السلام On Earth
Adam and his wife learned their lesson. Allah forgave them because they were sincere. They were truly sorry that they had disobeyed Allah and listened to Shaytan.
Allah sent them to Earth, far away from the easy life of Paradise. On Earth, Adam and his wife had to work hard. They had to look for food and protect themselves, with clothes and weapons.
They missed Paradise!
Allah made Adam the first prophet on Earth. Adam and his wife had children. They taught their children to obey Allah and worship Him.
They taught them to be good people so they would please Allah and go back to Jannah. Their children had children. Sorne of them were good and obeyed Allah. Many others lis- tened to Shaytan and became bad.
Allah forgave Adam and his wife because they were sincere. They really felt truly sorry that they had disobeyed Allah. Allah made Adam the first prophet on Earth.
The Sons of Adam
As you learned earlier, Allah sent Prophet Adam to live on Earth with his wife. They began a new family. They had Habeel, Qabeel and some other children later. Qayn is another name for Qabeel.
When Habeel and Qabeel grew up, Allah ordered Habeel to marry one girl and Qabeel to marry anoth- er. Habeel obeyed Allah, but Qabeel did not. He wanted to marry the girl that Allah had chosen for his brother. This was a problem! Both brothers could not marry the same girl!
Allah then told the two brothers to make a qurban (sacri- fice) for Him. Qurban is something we give away for the sake of Allah. Habeel was a very good person. He loved Allah, and always thought of Allah first. So he worked hard to offer Allah the best sacrifice he could find.
Qabeel was not as good as Habeel. He did not care much about pleasing Allah. He was selfish and thought of pleasing himself first. He brought a very small and cheap qurban. Allah accepted Habeel's sacrifice and rejected Qabeel's.
Qabeel became very jealous of his brother Habeel. Shaytan even made him think of killing Habeel, so that he could marry the girl he liked. Qabeel told Habeel that he would kill him. Habeel was stronger than Qabeel, but he said, "If you do that, you will displease Allah, and you will lose. I will never kill you, because you are my brother."
🔴Remember, when we get angry or jealous, we become weak. It is easy for Shaytan to make us do bad things.
The first crime on Earth
Qabeel was on the wrong path. He listened to Shaytan and killed his brother! This was the first crime on Earth, and Qabeel was responsible for it.
Shaytan was leading Qabeel to the hellfire! He was a bad example for other people.
Qabeel felt bad that he had killed his brother. He did not know what to do. He looked around and saw a bird burying a dead bird. Allah had sent the bird to teach Qabeel how to bury his brother.
Habeel was a hero. He was a good man, even though his brother was mean to him.
He had taqwa and he pleased Allah. This means that he always obeyed Allah and feared His pun- ishment. Habeel always tried to do the right thing.
Later on, Allah blessed Prophet Adam with another son named Shayth, or Seth. He grew up as a very obe- dient and pious Man. Allah made him a Prophet as Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said once. The Prophet ﷺ said that Shayth received fifty holy messages from Allah.