Particles of Food between the Teeth, and performing Ablution

Particles of Food between the Teeth, and performing Ablution

Question :

A Muslim sister asks: "Sometimes I find particles of food on my teeth; must I remove them before performing Wudhu"?


It is apparent to me that it is not an obligation to remove them before making Wudhu', but cleansing it from the teeth is, without doubt, more complete, cleaner and more likely to keep the teeth and gums free from disease. It is necessary for a person, after finishing his food, to clean between his teeth, in order to remove the remains of food that may adhere to them. He should also use a Siwak, because the food changes the smell of one's breath, and the Prophet said regarding the Siak:
"It cleanses the mouth, and it pleases the Lord.

This is a proof that whenever the mouth needs cleaning, it should be cleaned with the Siwak. And Allah knows best.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 83-84

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