The Ruling on carrying Cigarettes in Prayer and the Ruling on Water in which a Cockroach has fallen

The Ruling on carrying Cigarettes in Prayer and the Ruling on Water in which a Cockroach has fallen

The prohibition of smoking is agreed upon by all reliable scholars, due to its harmful effects on one's religion, wealth and health, and due to its noxiousness and unpleasant effects upon those who use it. However, I am unaware that anyone has ruled that it is physically unclean, like urine or feces. In spite of this, in view of the fact that it is forbidden and obnoxious, I dislike that it should be carried during prayers, or brought into the mosque, even if it is in a container. But I would not order those who ignored this to repeat their prayers, because it is not physically unclean.

Many scholars hold the view that water in which a cockroach has fallen is unclean and should be thrown away, because it lives and grows in filth - and I mean the cockroaches in toilets, not those in wells - but the most authoritative view is that does not pollute clean water. Although it lives in filth, it has moved to a place where there are no traces of filth. Also, water, according to the most correct opinion, does not become polluted unless some change occurs to it, and this creature does not usually change any of its properties, therefore it remains in a state of purity, Allah, Most High willing.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 35

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