Whoever has One or Two Pillars left to stone

Whoever has One or Two Pillars left to stone

Question :

If the seven stones that were thrown did not hit one of the pillars or two pillars and then a day or two passed, is the person required to repeat the stoning of these one or two pillars? If he is required to repeat the stoning, does he repeat whatever stoning he did after that as well?


If he still has one or two pillars left to stone from the pillars, or even more clearly, if he has a stone or two left from one of the pillars, then the Fiqh scholars say that if it is from the last pillar, then he completes it. This means that he only completes the "toning of this one that was deficient, and he is not required to stone what he did before it (over again). If it was a pillar other than the last one, then he completes the stoning of the deficient pillar. and whatever came after it.

However, I think what is correct is that he complete the stoning of the deficient pillar absolutely, but he is not required to repeat the stoning of what was after it. This is because keeping the order (of the pillars) is not a requirement if one is ignorant of that or he forgot. And this man, stoned the second pillar and he does not believe that he did anything wrong in what was before it. Thus, he is between ignorance and forgetfulness. Therefore, we say to him: "Whatever was deficient of the stones, throw it, and you are not obligated to stone (again) what you did after it."

Before finishing the answer, I would like to draw attention to the fact that what is stoned is the gathering place (basin) of the stones and not the erect pillar that is there only to direct to the stoning place. So, if the person threw the stone into the basin and he did not strike the pillar with any stones, his stoning is correct. And Allâh knows best.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 250-251

إقرأ المزيد :

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