The ruling concerning someone who left out one Circuit from the Tawaful-Wada' due to inability

The ruling concerning someone who left out one Circuit from the Tawaful-Wada' due to inability

Question :

I performed Hajj along with a group. We completed the Hajj - praise be to Allâh - except that in the end of the sixth circuit of the Tawaful-Wada' my wife lost consciousness and I was compelled to carry her outside of the Haram. She, her brother and I, were unable to complete the seventh circuit. Am I required to do anything?


If you all did not repeat the Tawaful-Wada", then each of you is required to make a sacrifice, to be slaughtered in Makkah for the poor people of the Haram. This is because Tawaful-Wada' is obligatory upon every Hajj pilgrim who wants to go outside of Makkah. Leaving it undone requires a sacrifice. The required sacrifice is the seventh part of a camel or a cow, or a two-year-old goat, or a year-old sheep. Each of these animals must be free of defects just like what is required for the sacrifice of Adha. Additionally, you are required to repent and seek Allâh's forgiveness, since it is not permissible to leave out the Tawaful-Wada'. This is due to the statement of the Prophet ﷺ reported by Muslim in his Sahih (authentic collection):

"No one should leave until he make his last act at the House (the Ka'bah),"

Also, the statement of Ibn Abbas "The people were commanded to make their last act at the House (the Ka'bah), but the matter was lightened for the menstruating woman." This is agreed upon. The woman with postnatal bleeding has the same ruling as the menstruating woman according to the people of knowledge.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 192-193

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