The ruling on the Adhha sacrifice and the difference between it and the Hady sacrifice of Hajj

The ruling on the Adhha sacrifice and the difference between it and the Hady sacrifice of Hajj

Question :

What is the ruling on the Adhha sacrifice and upon whom is it obligatory? Is there a difference between the Adhha sacrifice and the Hady sacrifice of Hajj? Are the Hajj pilgrims obligated to perform an Adhha sacrifice also or not? How, when and where did the Messenger of Allâh perform the Adhha sacrifice? Likewise, we would like for your eminence to mention some notes concerning what is reported from the Prophet that he said:
"Whoever has the ability and he does not perform the Adhha sacrifice, then let him not come near our place of prayer (for 'Eid)."

Or as he said it. May Allâh reward you with good.


The Adhha sacrifice is Sunnat Mu'kkadah (i.e., compulsory) according to the most correct view from the opinions of the people of knowledge. It is stressed upon whoever can afford it from his wealth. This is because it is from the most stressed forms of legislated worship on the day of 'Eidul-Adhha and the days of At-Tashreeq. Indeed the Prophet always performed it in Al-Madinah. He would slaughter two horned rams of Adhha every year, as is confirmed in the two Sahihs from a Hadith of Anas. The difference between it (the Adhha sacrifice) and the Hady sacrifice is that the Hady of At-Tamattu' and Al-Qiran is an obligation from the obligations of Hajj. This is due to the Statement of Allah:
"So whoever performs the 'Umrah in the months of the Hajj, before (performing) the Hajj, (i.e. Hajjut-Tamattu' and Al- Qiran), he must slaughter a Hady such as he can afford."

In reference to the Adhha sacrifice, it is not obligatory according to the correct opinion, due to the lack of a clear, authentic text that alludes to its obligation. Also from the difference between them is that it is legislated that the Hady sacrifice be slaughtered in Mina and the remaining area of the Haram. However, it is legislated to slaughter the Adhha sacrifice in every place. Other than that, their rulings are one in the same, such as the time of the slaughtering, the required conditions for the acceptability of the animals, eating from them, giving charity from them and other things. In reference to the Hadith:
"Whoever finds the financial ability and he does not perform an Adhha sacrifice, let him not come near our place of prayer (for 'Eid)."

Al-Hafiz said about it in Al-Bulugh: "This was recorded by Ahmad, and Ibn Majah, and it was graded authentic by Al- Hakim, but the Imams other than him have considered it most likely to be only a statement of the Companion who narrated it (i.e., Mawqoof)." Along with this, it is not clear in declaring this act obligatory, even if it were authentic as being attributed to the Prophet (i.e., Marfoo). Indeed it has been authenticated from him that he said:
"Whoever ate garlic or onions, let him not come near our place of prayer. »

However, the people of knowledge do not consider that this necessitates the prohibition of garlic and onions. They only use it as an evidence for the dislike of his (the person who ate them) presence for the prayer with the Muslims, due to what that contains of disturbance for them because of its foul odor. And Allâh is the Giver of success.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 319-320-321

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