What the menstruating Woman does after assuming Ihram for 'Umrah

What the menstruating Woman does after assuming Ihram for 'Umrah

Question :

When the woman who is performing Hajjut-Tamattu assumes Ihram, and then before reaching the Sacred House (the Ka'bah) she gets her menses, what should she do? Should she perform Hajj before performing "Umrah?


She remains in her Ihram for 'Umrah. If she becomes pure before the 9th day (of Thul-Hijjah) and she is able to complete her 'Umrah, she should complete it. Then she should assume Ihram for Hajj and go to 'Arafat to complete the rest of the rites of Hajj. If she does not become pure before the day of 'Arafah, then she enters her Hajj along with the 'Umrah and she says: "O Allâh, verily I have assumed Ihram for Hajj with my 'Umrah." In this case she becomes a person performing Hajjul- Qiran and she stands with the people (at 'Arafat) and completes the actions. Her Ihram and Tawaf - on the day of 'Eid (the 10th of Thul-Hijjah) or after it for Tawafuz-Ziyarah- and Sa'y suffice her for the Hajj and the 'Umrah. She must sacrifice an animal for Qiran just as the Mutamatti' person must do.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Page 154

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