The ruling on the Woman's Ihram while wearing Socks and Gloves

The ruling on the Woman's Ihram while wearing Socks and Gloves

Question :

What is the ruling of the woman's Ihram while she is wearing socks and gloves? Is it permissible for her to remove what she assumed Ihram in?


It is better for her to assume Ihram in socks or shoes. This is better for her and more concealing for her. If the garments contain some added length, then that is sufficient. If she assumed Ihram in socks, then she removed them, there is no harm in that. This is like the man who assumes Ihram in some sandals and then he removes them if he wishes, and there is no harm in that for him. However, she may not assume Ihram while wearing gloves, because the woman in Ihram has been prohibited from wearing gloves. Likewise, concerning the Niqab (face veil), she does not wear it over her face, and similarly the Burqa' (a heavy face veil with holes for the eyes) and other similar things. This is because the Messenger forbade that. However, she must lower her headscarf or her overgarment over her face when men who are not her relatives (Maharim) are present. This is also the case during Tawaf and Say. This is due to the Hadith of 'A'ishah that she said:
"The riders used to pass by us while we were with the Messenger of Allah So, when they came to where we were, (each) one of us would lower her overgarment (Jilbab) from her head over her face. Then, when they passed us, we would uncover it (the face)."

This was recorded by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah.

It is permissible for the man to wear leather socks even if they are not cut (below the ankles) according to the correct view. The majority of the scholars say that they should be cut (to below the ankles), but the correct view is that it is not necessary to cut them when two sandals cannot be found. This is because the Prophet gave a sermon to the people at 'Arafat and he said:
"Whoever does not find a waist garment, then let him wear pants, and whoever does not find two sandals, then let him wear two leather socks."

This Hadith's authenticity is agreed upon. He did not order that they be cut, so this proves that the command to cut them had been abrogated. And Allâh is the Giver of success.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 130-131

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