The ruling on removing the Ihram before cutting the Hair

The ruling on removing the Ihram before cutting the Hair

Question :

Last year I performed the rites of 'Umrah during the blessed month of Ramadhan. When we returned to our place of stay I removed the Ihram without cutting my hair, because I did not have any knowledge about this, and my family did not know that I did not know. Then when they found out that I did not cut my hair, they informed me that this is not permissible. So, I immediately cut my hair. Is my 'Umrah accepted or not?


It is not permissible for the person who assumed Ihram for 'Umrah to remove his Ihram until he shaves his head or cuts his hair. Whoever removes his Ihram before cutting his hair and he wears the (normal) clothes and covers his head, while he knows the ruling, he must offer a ransom of atonement. If he was ignorant of the ruling or forgot about it, there is nothing due on him. However, whenever he came to know the ruling or remembers it, he must remove the (normal) clothing immedi- ately, put back on the Thram clothes and busy himself with shaving his head or cutting his hair. He is thus excused due to ignorance of these rules.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Page 288

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