The Day of the 'Eid is not one of the Days of At-Tashreeq

The Day of the 'Eid is not one of the Days of At-Tashreeq

Question :

Some of the people stay in Mina for one night, which is the 11th night (i.e. the night of the 10th of Thul- Hijjah), and they stone the pillars for the 12th day on the day of the 11th (of Thul-Hijjah). These people think that they have stayed two days because they count the day of the 'Eid as one of the days of At-Tashreeq. They say: "We stoned the pillar on the day of the 'Eid (the day of Sacrifice) and the second day after it, which is the 11th day (of Thul-Hijjah)." And they say: "Verily, this is two days," basing their statement on the noble Verse in which Allâh says:
"So whoever rushes (and leaves) in two days, there is no sin on him."

Based on this, they leave Mina on the 11th day after they stone the pillars for the 12th day on the day of the 11th. Thus, they leave off staying the 12th day in Mina. Is this permissible according to the Islamic law, and is it correct for the person to count the day of the 'Eid as one of the two days or that they stone the pillars for the 12th on the 11th day and then leave Mina? We would like some clarification concerning this along with mentioning the evidence.


The meaning of two days that Allâh allowed for those who are in a hurry to leave from Mina after completing them, is the second and third days of the 'Eid. This is because the day of the 'Eid is the day of the Great Hajj and the days of At- Tashreeq are the three days that follow the day of the Eid. These are the days for stoning the pillars and remembering Allâh, the Magnificent and Exalted. So, whoever rushes, should leave before sunset on the 12th day (of Thul-Hijjah), and whoever is still in Mina at sunset on this day, he must spend the night there and stone the pillars on the 13th day. This is what the Prophet ﷺ and his Companions did. Whoever leaves on the 11th day, then he has failed to fulfill what is obligatory upon him of stoning. Thus, he must slaughter an animal in Makkah for the poor. In reference to him leaving off spending the night in Mina on the 12th night (i.e., the night of the 11th of Thul-Hijjah), he must give charity for that, as much as he is easily able to give. Along with this he must repent and seek Allâh's forgiveness for his deficiency and rushing (to leave) before its time.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 236-237

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