The ruling on specifying a particular time for accepting Condolences
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The ruling on specifying a particular time for accepting Condolences like the gathering of the Family of the Deceased for three days

Question :

In some countries, when a person dies, the family of the deceased sits in order to accept condolences after the Maghrib prayer for a period of three days. Is this permissible or is it an innovation?

Answer :

Giving condolence to the person who has been stricken with the misfortune of a death (i.e., loss of a loved one) is legislated. There is no problem with this. In reference to specifying a particular time for accepting the condolences and making it three days, then this is from the innovations. Verily, it is confirmed from the Messenger of Allâh that he said:

"Whoever does a deed that is not in accordance with our matter, then it is rejected."
And success is with Allâh.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 97-98

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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