Abdul-'Aziz bin Baz Addresses Students Who Study Journalism, Along With A Question And Answer Session
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

'Abdul-'Aziz bin Baz Addresses Students Who Study Journalism, Along With A Question And Answer Session

The Noble Shaykh, after praising Allah Almighty and sending prayers and peace upon the Messenger of Allah, began as follows:

As you all know, the future is dangerous if we consider those who call to evil and the huge number of people who have deviated from the straight path. The role of the media is not one that you are ignorant of; its role is to guide people to what is good, to fortify them upon the truth, to warn them against falsehood, to clarify to them the harmful effects of evil and the propitious results of doing good, and to sketch for them a true Pictures, the Media, Singing and Music history of those before us.

Remember though, if your advice and your speech do not conform to your actions, if the effects of guidance cannot be seen in your character, your advice will for the most part elicit minimal results. If you are sincere in speech and in action, you will - Allâh willing - have an affect on your audience.

I advise you as well as myself to fear Allâh Almighty always, to be diligent in doing what you intrinsically know is right, to be the forerunners to calling to what you believe in. Let the effects of your belief become manifest in your speech, your actions, and your character, both within and without. Be from those who are most innocent of the evil that you warn people of: you will be noble examples.

People in the media have a great responsibility, for they can have a far-reaching effect on people. My advice then is to fear Allah Almighty wherever you are, keeping a good and sincere intention for the Muslims, an intention that Allah Almighty knows of you. Let those good intentions be a reflection of your deeds and sayings during your years of study and during the remainder of your life. This should be your attitude whether you are working in the media or elsewhere. When you are living examples of truth and sincerity, it follows that you should be patient; you should not get bored, and you should not become lethargic. Instead, you should be so firm upon the truth that no trial or affliction can shake you or sweep you away from it.

I ask Allâh to make us achieve all the good that we desire, grant us beneficial knowledge and good deeds, and give us provision of righteousness. Indeed, He is the best to ask.

(The Shaykh proceeded to take the following questions)

Question :

The moving picture is essential in the media, and it is used to realize a number of goals, some good and some bad, the bad being exemplified by television movies. What is your opinion on this issue?


This is a point of uncertainty, for I am still uncertain about appearing on television and being filmed. I have, though, researched this issue with some brother scholars, and I have said to them that whoever from you feels that appearing on television is for the general good, to call people to the truth, and to make sure that the people of falsehood don't have a monopoly on the media, then in my opinion there is no reason to prevent appearing on television - if Allah wills.

Those scholars who appear on television with this intention benefiting the Muslims by answering questions, calling to Allah, and refuting falsehood - will be rewarded abundantly. And I ask Allah Almighty to forgive the part about being filmed.

Question :

What is the ruling on filming parties, conventions, or conferences?


My answer is the same as that of the preceding question.

If the common good of Muslims is intended, in filming parties, conferences or Islamic gatherings that work in calling to the way of Allah, if the benefits are greater to the Muslims (than the harm of filming), then there is no offence in filming these events, if Allah wills.

Question :

There is a course wherein a student is taught how to proficiently handle a video camera, is he sinning by using the camera?


If it is for a good end (as has preceded), with the intention of learning this for the sake of Allah Almighty, and not for a worldly end, then there is no objection to it.

Question :

Are the picture maker and the one whose picture is taken both guilty, or only the picture maker?


Both of them are guilty when the Shari'ah does not sanction the picture.

Question :

Makeup for men who appear on television has become an essential part of production. Is this permissible or not?


If the skin is not harmed after it is removed, then it is permissible; if it harms the skin or affects it after washing. then it is not allowed.

Question :

Should we allow freedom of opinion in the Media? What I mean is, should we give equal opportunity to both good and evil people to voice their opinions to society?


This way is false, and it has no precedent in Islam; rather, falsehood should be prevented and truth should be promoted. No one who is calling to evil should be permitted to invite people to communism, paganism, or any other false system; neither should people calling to fornication, gambling, or any deviant activity be allowed to air their views for this is all a form of allowing what is unlawful.

Question :

A Muslim journalist is sometimes forced to attend parties or plays; he attends despite the fact that there is music or other evils at the gathering. If he goes with the purpose of exposing their evil, is it permissible for him to go?


If his purpose is for the common good, and not for A enjoyment, if he goes to warn against evil, and if he goes. to find out about the evils prevalent in other societies in order to point out their shortcomings, there is no fault in him going. If he is going for enjoyment or evil, then of course he shouldn't go.

Allah Almighty said:
"And when you see those who engage in a false conversation about Our Verses (of the Qur'an) by mocking at them, stay away from them till they turn to another topic".

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
"Whoever believes in Allah and in the Last Day, he should not sit at a table on which alcohol is circulated."

Allâh equated those who speak evil with those who sit with them.

Question :

Some teachers require their students to watch certain television programs; students are taught to analyze these programs to develop their analytical ability. What is the ruling on watching television in this situation?


If it is to test the understanding of a student in something that is not unlawful, then there is nothing wrong with it.

Question :

What is the ruling on listening to a woman's voice on the radio if the show is beneficial, beneficial to his religion or to his character?


If he does not fear temptation, then there is no harm. If he A does, however, fear temptation, then he should refrain from listening.

Question :

Is it permissible to read base magazines or to watch videos to learn of the evil found therein and to warn others against that evil?


Yes, there must be a group of people who watch these A videos to prevent evil, even if it is for a salary. Then the authorities should be told about these videos and magazines. The salary one makes for doing this job is lawful if his intention is to promote what is good and forbid what is evil. If he voluntarily performs this function, then his reward is greater. This applies as well to the average people, if they witness such things they should inform the authorities about them so that they can warn the people.

Question :

Radio and TV now abound with programs that are hosted by two people: a male along with a female. Noble Shaykh, what is your opinion in this issue?


I don't see that a woman should host a show with a man, because her gentle and melodious voice might be a cause of temptation, and because it leads to her mixing with men and being alone with them. Women in such situations are weak and may easily succumb to temptation. And Allâh Almighty says:
"O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women. If you keep your duty (to Allah), then be not soft in speech."

He also said:
"And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance."

The scholars say that the display mentioned here is soft speech, flirtation, and exposing their temptations.

A woman announcer will exert herself to beautify her voice as much as possible, hoping to have an effect on her listeners. Women should not be announcers; radio should absolve itself of women announcers so as to prevent any form of temptation. There are other vocations more suitable to women, examples. being teaching and sewing.

Question :

What is the ruling of using a pseudonym for writing articles or books?


If it is for a good purpose, then there is no offence in doing this. However, the names should describe one with something that is true Muslim bin 'Abdullah' or 'Abdullah bin 'Abdur-Rahman' are examples. If someone uses the first example, then he is not being false because he is a Muslim and he is the son of Allah's servant.

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 166-167-168-169-170-171-172

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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