This Supplication is not Acceptable
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

This Supplication is not Acceptable

Question :

I often fast voluntary fasts so that Allah Almighty will forgive me those sins and errors that I do unknowingly. I practice my religion and I thank Allah Almighty for this. However, my mother prays for my fasting not to be accepted. I don't know why she does this, especially since my fasting has no detrimental effect on my household duties and since she doesn't need me. I am confused and nervous, for I fear that Allah Almighty may not accept my fast, especially since the supplication of a parent is accepted. What is your view in this matter?


We commend you on your diligence in voluntary acts of A worship; continue doing so. Excuse yourself before your mother by explaining to her that this is a good deed and that although a mother's right upon her child is great, this noble deed does not prevent you from fulfilling that right, from serving her, and from fulfilling your responsibilities to her. Moreover, she should encourage you and follow your pattern in doing good; she as well as all of us are in need of performing voluntary fast and prayer, so that our ranks are raised and our sins are forgiven.

Her prayer against you is not accepted by the will of Allah - especially because you have done a good deed, intending mercy and forgiveness from your Lord.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 294-295

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings