The Marriage of Allah's Prophet, Yusuf (Peace be upon him)
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Marriage of Allah's Prophet, Yusuf (Peace be upon him)

Question :

What is the name of the Prophet Yusuf's wife? Did he marry the wife of the 'Aziz, who is mentioned in the Qur'an? And is the supplication spoken by some Imams during a marriage ceremony correct: "O Allah, make peace between them as you have made peace between Yusuf and Zaynama"?


In both Tafsir and books that compile the stories (of the Prophets), there are reports taken from Israelite in which the 'Aziz's wife is said to be Zulaykhah, and there are other opinions as well.

It is also mentioned that Yusuf, peace be upon him, married her after coming out of the jail and after the 'Aziz either divorced her, or died. All of this is taken from Israelite traditions.

Concerning the supplication, I have never come across it in books of Hadith, and perhaps it has its foundation in the narrations related in books of Tafsir. And Allah knows best.

Ibn Jibreen.
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Page 103

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 6