The Proofs are Clear: Singing is Unlawful
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Proofs are Clear: Singing is Unlawful

Question :

Some people suggest that the following Hadith recorded by Al-Bukhari in his Sahih should not be used to prove the prohibition of singing:
"There will be from my Nation a people who will deem fornication, silk (for men), alcohol, and music to be permissible."

They claim that the prohibition is restricted to these four things being practiced together. Please comment on their reasoning, and may Allah Almighty reward you.


This opinion is incorrect and weak. Fornication, even when practiced alone, is unlawful according to a con- sensus. The same case is with men wearing silk is unlawful and drinking alcohol, they are unlawful by the consensus of scholars, even if they happen alone.

The same is true for music, since there is no proof to distinguish it from the rest. Furthermore, there is a rule: when a single item is mentioned in a list with other items, the ruling that is given applies to each one of them individually, unless there is proof that all of them together are intended. And here there is no proof. But there is proof- at least some of that proof is good-to the contrary, proof indicating that music is unlawful.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 204-205

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings