It is obligatory to make up for the Fast after being cured from illness

It is obligatory to make up for the Fast after being cured from illness


There is a woman who was stricken with a mental illness, fever, disorder of the nerves and other than this. Due to the effects of this, she left off fasting for a period of approximately four years. In a situation like this does she make up for the fasts or not, and what is her ruling?


If she left off fasting due to lack of ability, it is obligatory on her to make up for what she did not fast of Ramadhan during the four years when she is able to do so. Allâh said:
"And whoever is ill or on a journey, then (he may make up for his fast from) a number of other days. Allah wants ease for you and He does not want difficulty for you. And (He wants) that you complete the number (of days) and declare Allah's Greatness for His guiding you and so that perhaps you may be thankful."

If her illness and her inability to fast are not expected to end according to the decision of the doctors, she feeds a poor person for each day that she did not fast. She gives half a Sa' of wheat
or dried dates or rice or something similar from that which her people eat in their homes. This is like the extremely old man and the extremely old woman upon whom fasting is a struggle and an extreme difficulty. She also does not make up for the days of fasting.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 303-304

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