The ruling on using Pills that prevent the Menses during Ramadhan

The ruling on using Pills that prevent the Menses during Ramadhan

Question :

Some women intentionally take pills during Ramadhan to prevent the monthly period - menses. The reason for this is so that they will not have to make up for the days after Ramadhan. Is this permissible or are there any restrictions regarding this for this women to act according to?


My opinion concerning this matter is that the woman should not do this and she should remain upon what Allâh decreed and wrote upon the daughters of Adam. For verily, Allâh has a wisdom in making this monthly cycle. This wisdom suits the nature of the woman. If this natural occurrence is prevented, there is no doubt that there will be a harmful reaction upon the woman's body. Indeed the Prophet said:
"There is no harming nor is there reciprocating of harm."

This is without consideration of what these pills cause of harms to the womb, as the doctors have mentioned. Thus, my opinion concerning this matter is that the woman should not use these pills, and all praise is due to Allâh for His Decree and His Wisdom. When the menses comes to her, she abstains from fasting and prayer, and when she becomes pure, she returns to fasting and prayer. Then, when Ramadhan ends, she makes up for whatever she missed of fasting.

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Page 296-297

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