Do the People who fight Jihad break their Fasts?

Do the People who fight Jihad break their Fasts?

Question :

Is it allowed for those who wage war against the enemy to break their fasts during Ramadhan and make up for the days afterward?


If those who wage war against the disbelievers are travelling on a journey during which the prayer is shortened, it is permissible for them to break their fast and they must make up for the fasts after Ramadhan. If they are not travelling, as the disbelievers have besieged them in their lands, then whoever is able to fast among them while performing Jihad, he is obligated to fast. Concerning whoever is not able to combine between fasting and doing what is obligatory upon him specifically regarding Jihad, then it is permissible for him to break his fast and he must make up for the fasting. He is to fast the days that he did not fast after Ramadhan is over.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Page 290

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