How to Rebuke Evil with the Heart
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

How to Rebuke Evil with the Heart

Question :

In regard to the Hadith about changing evil: does it mean that we should leave a place wherein evil is being perpetrated or that we should stay in that place but hate that evil in our hearts?


Muslims are at different levels regarding the rebuke of evil. For some, it is compulsory to remove a wrong by force like in the case of the authority in a land and those who represent that authority, the father with his son, the master with his slave, or the husband with his wife if the person committing the evil will not desist except by force.

For others, they are obligated to correct an evil by advising and warning against it, without using force, for the fear that disorder or anarchy may result.

Finally, there are some Muslims who are required to rebuke evil with their hearts only, either because they are too weak to enforce it or weak with their tongues. This level is the weakest level of faith. The Prophet ﷺ explained this when he said:

"Whoever from you sees an evil, he should change it with his hand; if he is not able, then with his tongue, and if he is not able, then with his heart. And that is weakest of faith."

If the benefit of staying in a place where evil abounds is greater than the harm of leaving it, one should stay there and remove evil according to his ability, as long as he doesn't fear being tempted into that evil himself. If he does fear this, he should flee from that place to protect his religion. The Permanent Committee for Scientific Researches and Religious Verdicts Members:'Abdullah bin Qa'uwd, 'Abdullah bin Ghadyan

Assistant to the Chairman of the Committee: 'Abdur-Razzaq 'Afifi Chairman: 'Abdul-Aziz bin 'Abdullah bin Baz

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 69-70

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings