The Pig and its Oil
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Pig and its Oil

To His Eminence Shaikh 'Abdul-'Aziz bin 'Abdullah bin Baz All praise and thanks be to Allah, and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and upon his family and Companions. As for what follows: Recently, I reviewed an article entitled: "The Pig and its Oil"

written by 'Isam 'Abdul-Badi' in which he may Allah grant him success said: "A matter which occupies the mind of every Muslim who travels to Europe and America for whatever purpose is how is it possible for him to know if the food which is given to him or which he buys is free from pig oil, which is used extensively in Western societies, and how can he guarantee that what he eats is in accordance with the Islamic Law and the Muhammadan Sunnah?" He said: "So what can most of them do in these circumstances? This question is extremely important to a large number of people who are forced by circumstance to live in Western societies - whether for the purpose of work or study and we turn to His Eminence, Shaikh 'Abdul-'Aziz Ibn 'Abdullah bin Baz, the President for the Adminstration of Scientific Researches, Religious Verdicts, Preaching and Guidance, in order to give rest to our many sons who are sent abroad and who have many questions regarding this matter. In fact, some of them have voiced the opinion that their situation is one of necessity, and that necessity makes prohibited things permissible. Or is this something which the Islamic Law does not permit and are there solutions other than resorting to a ruling of necessity?"

I thank the brother who wrote this for his attention to this problem, and his quest for a solution to it, and I would like to reply to his question with a brief statement and I ask Allah that he benefits from it; I say:

Firstly: There no doubt that a student who is sent abroad to study, encounters many problems with his food and drink, his coming and going, and his performance of the acts of worship which Allah has enjoined upon him. In addition to this, great dangers are feared for him, since the young man is presented with trials and temptations and those who would lead him astray, and those who would mock him, and the armies of the Western and Eastern systems. None is immune from these things except those whom Allah has granted His Mercy. For this reason, it is not advisable for the Muslim student to abandon his studies in his own country and travel abroad where he leaves himself open to grave dangers and great temptations.

However, if the country required that certain people go abroad in order to study particular knowledge which is not available in the Kingdom nor in any other Muslim country, in that case a group of rational, religious people who understand the rulings of Islam must be chosen. Then they must apply themselves to their studies wherever they are, while remaining cautious, vigilant and maintaining strict supervision and follow-up. At the end of these studies, they must return immediately to their country.

Secondly: Verily, Allah, Most Glorified, Most High has full knowledge of the situation of His creatures and He is Most Aware of what is beneficial to them and what is harmful to them. He has revealed to His servant and His Messenger, Muhammad, the Law of Islam which brought every goodness and warned against every evil. And He, Most Glorified has prohibited the forbidden things because of the harm that they would cause to the worshipper. Some of these harms they are aware of, and some of them they are not.

Among those forbidden things is swine flesh, whose prohibition is proven by the Book (of Allah), the Sunnah and the consensus of the Muslim scholars; Allah, Most High says:
"He has forbidden you only the Maitah (dead animals), and blood, and the flesh of swine,"

And He, Most High says:
"Say (O Muhammad): "I find not in that which has been revealed to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be Maitah (a dead animal) or blood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like), or the flesh of swine (pork); for that surely, is impure or impious (unlawful) meat (of an animal) which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allah (or has been slaughtered for idols, or on which Allah's Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering).

And, in the Hadith agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim:
"Verily Allah and His Messenger have prohibited selling alcohol, dead meat, swine and idols."

So the Qur'an and the Sunnah prove the prohibition of swine flesh. Due to this, the scholars are in full agreement on the matter. One of the scholars-may Allah have mercy on them-said: "As for the pig, the scholars are unanimous on the prohibition of every part of it." And Allah, Most High has only forbidden Al-Khaba'ith due to some tremendous wisdom known to Him, even if that is hidden from others. Although some of the secrets and wisdom behind Allah's prohibition of certain things may be clear to some of His creatures, those which are hidden from them are more.

The wisdom behind the prohibition of the swine and Allah knows best is the filth and impurity that are typical of it. This is accompanied by dangers and diseases, both physical and mental. This is why its favorite foods are rubbish and impure things, and it is harmful in all regions, especially in the hot ones, as has been confirmed by experience. Eating its meat is one of the reasons for the presence of a unique and deadly worm. And it is said that it has a detrimental effect on modesty and self- respect, and the people of the countries in which pork is eaten are a testimony to this. Modern medicine has uncovered many facts which confirm that many of the people who eat pork are afflicted by diseases for which there is no cure; and although advanced modern medicine has managed to identify many dangers from eating pork, it may well be that the hidden dangers which medicine has not yet identified are many more than these.

Thirdly: Eating permissible and good foods has a great effect in purifying the heart, having one's supplication answered, and having one's acts of worship accepted. Just as eating the forbidden prevents these from being accepted. Allah, Most High says, concerning the Jews:
"Those are the ones whose hearts Allah does not want to purify (from disbelief and hypocrisy); for them there is a disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a great torment. (They like to ) listen to falsehood, to devour anything forbidden."

That is, the forbidden, so whoever possesses these character- istics, how will Allah purify his heart and why should He answer him? The Prophet said:
"O people! Verily Allah is Tayyib (Good) and He accepts naught but the good and verily, Allah commanded the believers to do what He commanded the Messengers to do."

He, Most High says:
"O (you) Messengers! Eat of the Tayyibāt [all kinds of Halal foods which Allah has made lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, milk products, fats, vegetables, fruits, etc.)"

And He, Most High says:
"O you who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism)! Eat of the lawful things that We have provided you with."

Then he spoke of the man who had journeyed long and whose hair was unkempt and his clothes covered in dust, who raised his hands to the heaven and said:
"O my Lord! O my Lord!"- while his food was unlawful, his drink was unlawful, his clothing was unlawful and he was fed with the unlawful, so why should his prayer be answered?"

Fourthly: Once the aforementioned information is known, it is an obligation upon the Muslim to fear Allah, Most Glorified, Most High and cease doing what is forbidden, and not to place himself in a position where he cannot obey Allah and abide by His Laws. It is not fitting for the Muslim to place himself in this kind of situation, then turn to the scholars and say: "I want a solution from Islam to this problem." This is because the problem can only be solved by acting on Islam's view in all areas.

But ignoring a certain aspect or being careless regarding it and attempting to act upon one aspect only will profit nothing.

Fifthly: It is not permissible for the student who is sent abroad to eat any meat of the pig, or any other part of it, claiming that the situation is one of necessity, and that necessity makes the prohibited permissible. This claim is incorrect, for the student sent abroad is not compelled to go or to remain there, and he will not die if he does not eat pork. As for the other solutions which the questioner seeks, in addition to what has been mentioned, they emanate from fear of Allah, Most Glorified, Who says:
"And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine."

And one who is present sees that which one who is absent does not see. And how cheap are oils in the Muslim lands, so the one studying abroad may bring his needs with him from them or they may be sent to him, or a group of foreign students may get together and organize suitable lawful foods for themselves, such as fish and the like. And if the matter required that they slaughter for themselves and they found difficulty in doing that, then they must suffer it for the sake of pleasing Allah and to avoid falling into what is forbidden.

Finally, I repeat my thanks to the brother 'Isam 'Abdul-Badi', who presented this problem. And I ask Allah that He grant success to the Muslims in obeying their Lord and adhering to His Law and acting upon His Judgements and avoiding the plots of His enemies. Verily. He is All-Hearing, Near and He, Most Glorified is the Guide to the Right Way. And may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, Muhammad and upon all his family and Companions.

The Genreal President for the Adminstrations of Scientific Researches and Religious Verdicts.

'Abdul-'Aziz bin 'Abdullah bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Pages 234-235-236-237-238-239

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings