Questions Regarding Breast-feeding
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Questions Regarding Breast-feeding

Question :

There is a person who was breast-fed by a woman five times during the first two years of life and this woman's husband has another wife who has children; are the children of the second wife brothers and sisters to him?

Question :

During the first two years of life, a baby girl was breast- fed many times by a woman along with one of her sons from her first husband. Then this woman married another man, and she had children by the second man. Are the woman's sons from the second man considered brothers to this baby girl who was breast-fed by the woman along with her sons from her first husband?


When he was breast-fed by this woman in a manner which brings about prohibition which is five times. during the first two years she became his mother and her husband became his father. And, the sons of the husband from the second wife became brothers to him from his father, and the sons of the breast-feeding woman from other than the husband. are his brothers from his mother. And, her sisters are maternal aunts to him, and the husband's sisters are his paternal aunts. So whatever is forbidden due to kinship is forbidden due to breast-feeding.

This baby girl has become a daughter to this woman, so her sons from the husband will be brothers to this girl from her mother. Because she was breast-fed by their mother, and the children of the first woman's husband are brothers from the father, because she was breast-fed with the milk of (i.e. attributed to) their father.

Question :

A woman is asking, saying that her brother who is two years younger than she was breast-fed by the wife of her maternal uncle along with her son (her maternal uncle's wife's son). So is it permissible for her to uncover in front of her maternal uncle's sons? That is, not to wear a veil in front of them? And what is the ruling on her sisters, who are younger than her brother who was breast-fed by her maternal uncle's wife?


If the above-mentioned breast-feeding is confirmed, and it was five breast-feedings or more during the first two years of the breast-fed child's life, then your brother has become a son to your maternal uncle through breast-feeding. He is also a son to the wife who suckled him through breast-feeding. And, their children have become brothers to him, and the brothers of your maternal uncle have become paternal uncles to him. His sisters have become paternal aunts to him, and the brothers of the woman who suckled him have become maternal uncles to him. Her sisters are maternal aunts to him, according to the saying of the Prophet ﷺ:
"That which is forbidden due to kinship is forbidden due to breast- feeding."

As for you, there is no connection for you with the above- mentioned breast-feeding. It is not permissible for you or your sisters to unveil yourselves before your maternal uncle's sons. because your uncle's wife has breast-fed your brother. This is because they are not Mahrams for you.

May Allah grant success to all in understanding the religion and keep us firm upon it.

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings