He performed Hajj on behalf of his father and he did not start his Journey from his father's Birthplace

He performed Hajj on behalf of his father and he did not start his Journey from his father's Birthplace

Question :

A man performed Hajj this year on behalf of his deceased father, but he did not start the Hajj journey from the birthplace of his father. So, he asks about the correctness of that Hajj.


It appears from the question of the questioner that he is donating a performance of Hajj for his father, so if this is the case, there seems to be no problem with the correctness of his Hajj for him, even if he didn't set out on the Hajj journey from his father's birthplace.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 318-319

إقرأ المزيد :

people 7