The ruling on whoever does a prohibited Act due to Ignorance

The ruling on whoever does a prohibited Act due to Ignorance

Question :

What is the ruling on whoever does a prohibited act from the nine prohibitions of Thram unknowingly or forgetfully?


Wheover removes some of his hair or nails forgetfully, there is no sin on him and he is not required to offer a sacrifice. Likewise, whoever applies perfume or covers his head or wears a seamed garment forgetfully, Allâh does not hold them accountable for that according to His Statement:
"Our Lord, do not take us to account (i.e., punish us) if we forget or unintentionally err, "

It is reported in the Sahih that Allâh said (in response to this):

"Verily, I have done so (i.e., accepted this supplication)."

Allâh also said:
"There is no sin on you concerning that which you do mistakenly, but rather (you are accountable for) that which your hearts intended."

In is also reported in a Hadith:
"My Ummah has been pardoned for unintentional errors and forgetfulness".

In reference to killing the game animals, the majority ruled according to its principle (that the person must make a sacrifice), and they did not ask the person did you do it intentionally or mistakenly. What is probably correct is that it is not a sin (to kill a game animal mistakenly or forgetfully) and there is no sacrifice due upon the person who forgot or did so due to ignorance. This is due to Allâh's Statement:
"And whoever among you kills it (the game animal) intention- ally."

In reference to the marriage contract, it is not correct, even if it is carried out due to ignorance, and there is no sacrifice required for it. Regarding sexual intercourse and touching (lustfully), a sacrifice is required for it if it is done forgetfully, according to the majority of the scholars. This is because it is the most well known of the prohibited things and because it is between two people, and it is quite unlikely that it would occur by both of them forgetting. This is the safest view. Some of the scholars excused such a person who had sex due to ignorance (of the prohibition) and forgetfulness, just like others besides him (i.e., without him having to make a sacrifice). And Allâh knows best.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 135-136

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