He assumed Ihram for Hajj from the city of Jeddah due to ignorance

He assumed Ihram for Hajj from the city of Jeddah due to ignorance

Question :

A man assumed Ihram for Hajj from Jeddah. Then when he arrived in Al-Madinah after Hajj, he was told that he had some deficiency (in his Hajj). Thus, he asks does he have to sacrifice an animal or not?


It is obligatory for whoever intends to perform Hajj or Umrah to assume Ihram from the Miqat that he passes by or a place that is equivalent to it in distance. If he passes it and assumes Ihram from a place that is closer than it to Makkah, then he must sacrifice an animal according to most of the people of knowledge. There is no doubt that Jeddah is within the boundaries of the Mawaqit. Therefore, whoever delays his Ihram until Jeddah, then he has passed the legislated Miqat. Thus, he must sacrifice an animal, which is a sheep that is at least a year-old or a two-year-old goat or a seventh of the sacrifice of a camel, or a seventh of the sacrifice of a cow. He is to perform this slaughter in the area of the Haram and distribute it among its poor people. This is due to what has been confirmed from Ibn 'Abbas that he said: "Whoever leaves off a Hajj rite or forgets it, then he must shed some blood (i.e., perform a sacrifice)." May prayers of blessing and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 122-123

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