Whoever has to fast two Months consecutively and he breaks his Fast during it

Whoever has to fast two Months consecutively and he breaks his Fast during it

Question :

I owed expiation of fasting two months consecutively and I fasted them - and all praise is due to Allâh. However, I fasted the first month completely, then I broke my fast for two days, and then I completed the fast. Before the end of the (last) month, I became sick for three days, so I broke my fast and made up for those days after this. Then, some people said to me that I have to fast two months consecutively over again without breaking the fast between them. Please give me some direction concerning what I should do now.


If your breaking the fast was for a legislated excuse, like illness, then you made haste in completing the two months after the illness went away, then you do not have to repeat it and your fast is correct. However, if your breaking the fast was without a legislated excuse, then you must repeat fasting two months consecutively for 60 days, as the Verses and Hadiths prove.

Less than 60 days (of fasting) will not suffice unless it is confirmed that the month is decreased (i.e., to 29 days) by an Islamically valid verification. And success is from Allâh.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Page 334

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