The Start of the Time for Wiping over the Leather Socks

The Start of the Time for Wiping over the Leather Socks

Question :

When does the period for wiping over the leather socks begin? Does it begin after invalidating the Taharah or after Wudhu'?


The period for wiping over the leather socks begins from the time of the first wiping after breaking Wudhu'.

This is the most authoritative of two sayings, since the Prophet limited the time for wiping over the leather socks to one day and one night for the resident and three days and three nights for the traveller. And wiping over leather socks does not become a fact until it has been performed, therefore the time which passed before the wiping is not taken into account by the wearer.

If it was determined that a person wore them for Fajr prayer, and that he invalidated his Wudhu' in the middle of the day, then wiped over them when the sun was past its zenith, then the beginning of the period for wiping would start after the sun passed its zenith. Then if the sun passed its zenith on the following day, the time limit for wiping over the socks would be over, and if the sun passed its zenith on the third day, the time limit imposed on the traveller would also expire.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 106

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