The Difference Between it and Nikah Al-Mut'ah

The Difference Between it and Nikah Al-Mut'ah

Question :

I have heard a verdict of yours on a cassette in which you permit marriage in foreign countries with the intention of abandoning her after a certain period of time, such as when the duration of the studies is over. So what is the difference between this marriage and Zawaj Al-Mut'ah.


Yes, this verdict was issued by the Permanent Committee for Scientific Research and Religious Verdicts, of which I am the Director, permitting marriage with the intention of divorce, if that is between the worshipper and his Lord, if he marries in a foreign country, and at the end of his study period or his employment or the like, he divorces her. There is no objection to that, according to the majority of scholars and this intention is between him and Allah, Most Glorified and is not a condition. The difference between it and Al-Mut'ah is that in Nikah Al- Mut'ah there is a condition that the marriage will last for a fixed period of time, such as a month, two months, a year, two years. or the like. Then, when the mentioned time period has expired, the marriage is annulled this is Nikah Al-Mut'ah, which is invalid.

However, when he marries her according to the Sunnah of Allah and His Messenger, but the intention in his heart is that when he leaves the country, he will divorce her, this does not harm him. This intention might change, and it is not known, and it is not a condition; rather, it is between him and Allah, so it does not harm him. This is a means of protecting himself from illegal sexual intercourse and evil deeds, and this is the saying of the majority of scholars, related from them by the author of Al-Mughni, Muwaffaq Ad-Din Ibn Qudamah may Allah have mercy on him.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages 410-411

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