The Ruling on Swearing by Al-Amanah<mar>Al-Amanah:  trust.

The Ruling on Swearing by Al-Amanah


Is swearing by "Amanatullah" permissible, and what is the view of the Islamic law regarding one who plays chess, backgammon and dominoes?


It is not permissible to swear by Al-Amanah, for it has been reported in a Hadith on the authority of Buraidah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet said:

Whoever swears by Al-Amanah is not one of us.[3] As for playing chess, it is forbidden, according to what has been said by the Muslim scholars; and as for backgammon and dominoes, both of them are frivolous acts, which prevent one from the remembrance of Allah and waste the Muslim's time in futility. The rational person regards his time too valuable to waste in things such as this.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Page 223

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