Some of the Sayings prevalent among the Common People

Some of the Sayings prevalent among the Common People


We have learnt some expressions from the common people which we fear contain Shirk, such as: "I do not believe that Allah...", or: "Allah would not say it" and the like. What is your opinion, may Allah reward you?


These expressions which are often used by the common people are said without intention and they do not believe that there is anything forbidden in them. They are accepted by all from the young to the old, but their meaning is not above criticism, therefore it is better to abstain from them, for the first sentence contains a negation of belief in Allah and the faithful person believes in Allah and in all that He has informed us of. It is therefore sufficient to say: "I do not believe that such and such has happened", and the meaning would be: I will not believe that this could happen, until it does so.

As for the second sentence, its meaning is that Allah cannot let this happen, i.e. I hope that Allah will not allow this to happen or to come into being. Their use of the word "say" is like the expression: La Qaddar Allah (may Allah not ordain it) and it is something of which one should beware; if supplication of Allah was made asking that such a thing not occur instead, it would be safer.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Page 208

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