The Ruling on Shaking Hands With an Old Woman

The Ruling on Shaking Hands With an Old Woman

Question :

What is the ruling on shaking hands with an unrelated woman if she is old? Likewise, what is the ruling, if she places a barrier over her hand, such as a garment or the like?


It is not permissible to shake hands with women to whom a man is not a Mahram, under any circumstances whether they are young women or old women and whether the one shaking hands is a young man or an old man. This is because of the danger of temptation (Fitnah) involved in doing so for both of them.

It has been authentically reported from the Prophet SAW that he said:
"Verily, I do not shake hands with women."[Ibn Majah no. 2874 and An-Nasa'i no. 4186.

'A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: "By Allah, the hand of the Messenger of Allah never touched the hand of a woman. He did not accept the pledge of allegiance from women except in words."

There is no difference whether she shakes hands with a barrier or without a barrier, due to the generality of the evidences, and in order to prevent the means which lead to temptation and trial (Fitnah). And Allah is the Granter of success.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Page 115

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