The Method by which a Woman should make Ghusl for Al-Janabah or Menstruation

The Method by which a Woman should make Ghusl for Al-Janabah or Menstruation

Question :

Is there any difference between the Ghusl for Janabah of a man and that of a woman? And must a woman let down her hair, or is it sufficient for her to splash water over it three times, in accordance with the Hadith? And what is the difference between the Ghusl of Janabah and that of menstruation?


There is no difference between the Ghusl of men and that of women for Janabah, nor do either of them need to let down the hair for Ghusl. It is enough to splash water on the head three times, then pour water over the rest of the body, according to the Hadith of Umm Salamah, may Allah be pleased with her, who said that she told the Prophet: "I am a woman who has thickly braided hair on her head; do I need to let it down (when making Ghusl) for Janabah?" He said:

"No; it is enough for you to splash water on your head three times, then pour water over yourself and purify yourself.

If there are any lotus or (powdered) dye, or the like on the head of a man or a woman, which would prevent the water making contact with the skin, then it is obligatory to remove it. But if it is light and does not prevent the water reaching the skin, it is not necessary to remove it.

As for a woman performing Ghusl due to menstruation, there is a difference of opinion as to whether it is necessary to let down the hair in order to wash it; the correct opinion is that it is not obligatory for her to let it down, based upon one of the narrations from Umm Salamah, may Allah be pleased with her, reported by Muslim, in which she said to the Prophet: “I am a woman who has thickly braided hair on her head; do I need to let it down (when making Ghusl) for menstruation and Janabah?" He said:

"No; it is enough for you to splash water on your head three times, then pour water over yourself and purify yourself".

This narration informs us that it is not obligatory to let down the hair for menstruation or post-sexual impurity, but it is better for a woman to let down her hair when she performs Ghusl due to menstruation, as a precaution in order to avoid differing and to reconcile all of the evidences. And may peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet, Muhammad and upon his family and Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 59-60-61

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