Tayammum is Invalid when Water is Present

Tayammum is Invalid when Water is Present

Question :

One day, I had a nocturnal emission, and it was a very cold day, so I went to school and made Tayammum and prayed, then I returned home and I did not make Ghusl. What is the ruling? Please benefit me, and may Allah reward you with goodness.


As for what has passed, he must repeat the two prayers which he performed without Ghusl for Janabah, because he was in the town and was able to obtain water. As for him, if he awoke and was afraid of the cold, then it would be allowed for him to perform Tayammum. But if he had some means of heating the water, it would be obligatory for him to perform Ghusl; and if he were on a journey, and he had no means to heat the water, he would be permitted to make Tayammum, and there would be no sin upon him. But if he found water, he must make Ghusl.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 89

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