Thank you Allah

Thank you Allah

words zikhr
Allah gave us eyes so that we can see.

Allah gave us a nose to smell and breathe with.

Allah gave us ears to hear and enjoy beautiful sounds.
Allah gave us a mouth so we can speak, taste, and smile.

Allah gave us skin so we can feel things.

These are all gifts and blessings, or ni'mah, from Allah.

Everything God has made is for us to use.

He wants us to be happy.

Blink!! Breathe!! Clap!! Smile!!

Now thank Allah that you can do these things. He has given us the 5 senses.

With our eyes, we see the beautiful world. We see our loved ones, and we see things that we learn about.

With our ears, we hear Al-Qur'an, our teachers, our friends, and also nasheed.

With our mouths, we speak to each other, eat, and also breathe.

With our hands and legs we work and can feel soft, or smooth, or sticky things.

What would we do without these gifts from Allah?

We must always, always thank Him for them.



This surah is the Opening of the Qur'an. We say it to praise Allahand ask Him for guidance.


[1] Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem
[2] Al-hamdu lillahi rabb-il-aalameen
[3] Ar-Rahman-ir-Raheem
[4] Maliki yawm-id-deen
[5] lyyaka na'budu wa-iyyaka nasta'een
[6] Ihdinas-sirat-al-mustaqeem
[7] Sirat allatheena an'amta alayhim ghayr-il-maghdoobialayhim walad-daalleen


[1] In the Name of Allah, The Kind, The Merciful.
[2] All praise is for Allah, Lord of the worlds.
[3] The Kind, The Merciful.
[4] King of the Day of Judgment.
[5] It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
[6] Guide us to the straight path.
[7] The path of those You have blessed, not those who havedeserved your anger and those who have gone astray.

say Alhamdulillah

Allah is Al-Hameed ...الحميد..The Praiseworthy

Allah has given us every thing we have.We must always praise Him for every (gift) ni'mah He has given us.

Praising Allah

🔹Thikr is one way to thankAllah and remember Him.
🔹Thikr is done by the heartand the tongue.
🔹Saying :"SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, La ilahaillAllah, and Allahu Akbar,"are kinds of thikr.

say Alhamdulillah

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