Al-Hijrah From Makkah To Madinah

Al-Hijrah From Makkah To Madinah

The Quraysh try to Kill Prophet Muhammad

While the Quraysh were trying to kill the Prophet ﷺ, hewas already in the desertescaping. Very few peopleknew that the Prophet ﷺ would be leaving Makkah that night. One of these people was a special lady named Asmaa' Bint Abi Bakr. She was the daughter of Muhammad's best friend, Abu Bakr. She kept the secret of Muhammad's plan safe, and she helped them prepare for the journey out of Makkah. Asmaa' prepared food and water for Muhammad's journey. She put the food and the water in containers, but she had a problem. There was nothing to tie the containers with!

She decided that she would use her nitag, or waistband,to tie the containers.

She tore it in two pieces and tied each container. To Asmaa' رضي الله عنها , food and drink for the Prophet was more important than her own clothing. She loved the Prophet, just like 'Ali did.Muhammad ﷺ was very pleased with Asmaa's generosity, and she earned the name"She of the Two Waistbands."

The Prophet Leaves Makkah

Al-Hijrah From Makkah To Madinah

The Prophet's journey across the desert from Makkahto Yathrib was called AlHijrah. Al-Hijrah is the migration of the Prophet ﷺ and theearly Muslims from Makkah to Yathrib (Madinah). Asmaa' had done everything she could to make this journey easierfor the Prophet ﷺ and herfather. Abu Bakr was Muhammad's companion on the Hijrah. Asmaa' was worried about them both.

The Quraysh had found out that Muhammad had left Makkah with Abu Bakr, and they still wanted to kill the Prophet. They sent out several people into the desert to find Muhammad.

They Hide in Ghar Thawr

The Prophet ﷺ and Abu-Bakrk new that the Quraysh would come after them. The desert was spread out like a blanket,and there weren't many places to hide. Therefore, they went to a cave calledbl Ghar Thawr, south of Makkah.They crawled into it and hid there for three nights. They wanted to wait until the Quraysh stopped searching for them. It was a small cave and it barely fit both men. The Quraysh people would definitely check in this cave when they saw it, but Muhammad and Abu Bakr had no other choice. They trusted that Allah would save them.

Asmaa' was scared for the Prophet and Abu Bakr. She made du'aa that Allah would keep Muhammad ﷺ and Abu Bakr safe on the journey. Allah listened to her du'aa.

A group of people was searching for Muhammad ﷺ ,and they came near Ghar Thawr. "He must be in there,"they thought. They went closer to the cave. They got nearer and saw that a big spider's web covered the entrance to the cave. Abu Bakr became very scared. He whispered to the Prophet, "If they look inside the cave theywill see us!"

Rasollullah was very calm.He said to Abu Bakr, "Do not be worried. Allah will protect us.

Meanwhile, in Makkah, Abu Jahl came to the house of Abu Bakr. He found Asmaa' and Aishah there. Abu Jahl asked Asmaa', "Where is yourfather?" "I don't know," she answered. Abu Jahl became very angry and slapped Asmaa' on her face so hard that her earrings fell out.

The Way to Yathriba

While the Prophet ﷺ and Abu Bakr were escaping Makkah, aman from the Quraysh spottedthem. This man was Suraqah Ibn Malik. When he saw the Prophet ﷺ and his companion,he became very happy. He became excited with the thought that he would easily capture the Prophet ﷺ and winthe prize. He started to runtowards him. Suddenly, Allah his horse's feet sink intothe sand. Suraqah fell down,but he tried again. This time,he came very close to the Prophet. Again, the horse sank more deeply in the sandand Suraqah fell down.

The Kuffar left the cave and went in another direction to find Muhammad. They didn't know that Abu Bakr's feet had been only inches away from them!

He realized that something powerful was stopping him from getting to the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. As he had fallen,Muhammad came to him.Suraqah begged him not tohurt him. Rasoolullah said,"Go back to where you camefrom, and I promise to get yougolden bracelets from theb Empire of Persia." Suragah didnot realize what the Prophet had promised, but he left anyway. He just wanted to get back to Makkah alive.

The Story of umma

The goat started to give milk! Ummu Ma'bad wasas tonished and could not believe her eyes. Rasoolullah offered her the milk, and she drank first.

Then Abu Bakr and theguide, Abdullah, drank themilk. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was the last to drink. He milked the goat again, filled Ummu Ma'bad's container, and gave it to her. Then, the;Prophet and his companions left.

Omar Ibn Al Khattab Challenges the Quraysh

There was a man in Makkah who was also about to make the journey to Madinah. His name was Omar Ibn Al Khattab. He was one of the prophet's most favored companions. There was something special about him. He was very strong, and he was notafraid of anyone except Allah.Even though the people of the Quraysh were torturing and killing the people, he did notback down. He was going to Madinah, and he told this to the people loudly. He challenged them to stop him. He said, "Anyone who would like to get killed can dare to follow me." He was a very strong man, and no one from the Quraysh dared to stop Omar. He was a very brave Muslim.

Muslims.In Yathrib Waitingfor The Prophet

Just like Asmaa', the people in Yathrib were anxious about the Prophet's arrival.All the people of the citywere excited to meet theProphet, but worried that something bad might happen to him. They all waited at the edge of the city for somesign that the Prophet wascoming. They climbed up the walls of buildings, they climbed up the tall palm trees, they climbed up on their camels, and they crowded the city entrance. They were trying to get a good view of the desert.

Rasoolullah Arrivesin Yathrib

The sun was shining very brightly in the blue sky. It was a beautiful day, but also very hot. The people did not care. They just wanted to see the Prophet ﷺ. Suddenly,someone saw a tiny, darkspeck, far away in the desert.

"I see him! I see him!" the man shouted. He was extremely excited to see the Prophet safe and sound.He was so close!

Everyone in Madinah cheered and sang. They beat drums and shouted with happiness. As the Prophet ﷺ drew nearer, he heard echoes of their welcome. Rasoolullah smiled. He had reached his new home, Yathrib.

The city's name was changed once the Prophet arrived, from Yathrib to Al Madinah Al-Munawwarah, or The City of Light.

When the Prophet ﷺ arrived in Madinah, the people sang the famous song "Tala'al Badru'Alayna.

While Muhammad and Abu Bakr were reaching Madinah,the last groups of Muslims began their journey to Madinah. All the people that went on the trip from Makkah to Madinah, including Muhammad, Abu Bakr and 'Omar were called "Al-Muhajireen." The people of Madinah who supported the Prophet ﷺ and the Makkan Muslims were called"Al-Ansar," or "The Supporters."

دعاء الركوب

Asmaa" رضي الله عنها went with one of the last groups. She was pregnant, but this did not stop her from going with the group. Her faith was strong, and she knew Allah would give her strength, even though it would be a very difficult journey. The desert was dry and hot. As soon as the Muslims came close to Madinah, Asmaa' gave birth to a baby boy. All the Muslims shouted "Allahu Akbar!" This was the first baby born to the Muhajiroon in Madinah.

The song of Hijrah

Tala'al badru "alayna, min thaniyyatil-wadaa'طلع البدر علينا من ثنيات الوداع

Wajab-shukru Alayna, Ma da'a lillahi daa' وجب الشكر علينا ما دعا لله داع

Ayyuhal-Mab'oothu feena, ji'ta bil-amr-il mutaa' أيها المبعوث فينا جئت بالأمر المطاع

Ji'ta sharraft-almadina, Marhaban ya khayra daa' جنت شرفت المدينة مرحبا يا خير داع

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