The Ruling on Slaughtering for a Guest and Out of Generosity to One's Family

The Ruling on Slaughtering for a Guest and Out of Generosity to One's Family

Question :

The Prophet ﷺ said:
"Allah cursed the one who slaughters for other than Allah."

What is the meaning of this, (bearing in mind that) here in the south, when a person slaughters an animal for a guest or for the members of his household, he says: "In Allah's Name and according to the religion of the Messenger of Allah, (this is) a charity for the sake of Allah; O Allah! Grant the reward of it to me and the members of my household."?


What is meant by the Hadith is the prohibition of slaughtering for those who are dead among the Prophets and the Awliya', hoping to receive blessings from them. It also refers to slaughtering for the jinn in order to please them and seeking fulfillment of one's needs or repelling their evil. All of this is major Shirk and the one who does it merits Allah's Curse and His Anger.

As for slaughtering for guests out of hospitality towards them, or out of generosity towards the family, when the sacrifice is done in order to draw closer to Allah, so that He makes it an act of charity for the dead, hoping that the reward from Allah will be given to the dead and the living, this is permissible. Indeed it is an act of kindness for which a reward may be hoped from Allah. Likewise the slaughtered animals on the Day of Sacrifice for the dead and the living.

And may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, Muhammad.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Page 288

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